Benzo Land

This is an old post from 2007 that google for some reason indexed again. So if you got here from a google reader or other reader take note it’s from 2007. It’s still got a lot of good info, but the personal info is no longer accurate as things have changed. For one thing I’m benzo free now.

For a compilation of many articles and info on benzos go here.

Post begins:

Except in the population of people taking only benzodiazepines and suffering as a result of them, the mental health community seems to have dropped out on commentary and critique on the dangers of benzos. You can say that they are not currently the drug “du jour” for critique. The atypical antipsychotics and anti-depressants now have a huge community of disaffected users. These drugs too deserve much criticism and will be duly dealt with on this site. I have suffered ill effects from all the above mentioned classes of drugs; benzos, neuroleptics, anti-depressants as well as stimulants.

This post will rely heavily on the work of Dr. Heather Ashton who ran a benzodiazepine withdrawal clinic for 12 years in the UK. She has been involved in the withdrawal of hundreds of addicted consumers. The medical establishment at large has little credible coverage of the ravages of this class of drugs.

I have not begun my withdrawal from benzo’s, but I’ve been involved in forums and email lists who’s participants run in the thousands. Much of what I will share will be the anecdotal information I have gleaned from these groups, as well as my own experience on benzos, convoluted as that may be with the multiple drugs I’m on. I’ve currently withdrawn from multiple anti-depressants which I now refuse to take ever again. I’ve withdrawn from 50 mg Seroquel, am currently withdrawing from 11 mg Risperdal currently down to 1 and 1/2 mg. (I’m taking a break as it got too difficult) and am now withdrawing from Lamictal. I’ve been on 400 mg Lamictal, (twice the recommended therapeutic dose for bipolar disorder) and intend to get down to 200 mg (the accepted therapeutic dose) for at least the short term. As a side note the ever increasing amounts of all these drugs never relieved my symptoms and instead, I think, excacerbated them.

So why talk now about benzo addiction and withdrawal when I’m not really there yet? Because the prospect of it scares the shit out of me. It hangs over my head like a storm cloud coming into my future to wreak havoc. By all accounts benzos are the most difficult drug to withdraw from. There are accounts of people who have come off them relatively easily, but the forums I participate in show a group of people who’s lives have been destroyed by their addiction. These are people of whom the vast majority are “accidental” addicts. Unsuspecting individuals who trusted their doctors. On the bright side, many people go on to recover completely with perhaps only minimal permanent cognitive impairment. On the dark side is the phenomena of protracted withdrawal syndromes, for whom a not so small minority can be a permanent condition.

For some chronic benzodiazepine users, withdrawal can be a long, drawn-out process. A sizeable minority, perhaps 10 to 15%(3) develop a “post-withdrawal syndrome”(4), which may linger for months or even years. This syndrome is clearly not a disease entity; it probably represents an amalgam of pharmacological and psychological factors directly and indirectly related to benzodiazepine use. The syndrome includes (1) pharmacological withdrawal symptoms involving the slow reversal of receptor changes directly induced in the brain by benzodiazepines(1,5-7), and (2) psychological symptoms resulting indirectly from long-term benzodiazepine use, including exposure of poor stress-coping abilities and other personal difficulties. These symptoms merge into a complex clinical picture that may be further complicated by (3) the reappearance of underlying anxiety or depression and (4) possibly also by ill-understood long-term neurological effects of benzodiazepines(1).Thus, the totality of the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome is as difficult to define or demarcate as a bout of influenza, which may include overlapping pathologies of acute viral toxaemia, secondary bacterial infection, prolonged post-viral depression and somatic damage such as cardiomyopathy. Nevertheless, an awareness that symptoms may be protracted is important for clinicians supervising benzodiazepine withdrawal; proper management of the initial withdrawal can decrease the incidence, severity and duration of protracted symptoms and improve the prospects for eventual recovery.

I am currently in a state of “tolerance withdrawal.” I am on 3 mg of Klonopin. I started out as a Xanax user, which I quickly gained tolerance to, as it has the shortest half-life among the benzos and one can reach the ugly state of “tolerance withdrawal” rather quickly. I woke up in the middle of the night with panic attacks once reaching tolerance. Psychiatrists don’t really understand this phenomena and in general simply change the benzo being used and increase doses. I was switched to the longer acting Klonopin. I now have tolerance withdrawal on a much higher dose, making the problem worse.

….the evidence suggests that benzodiazepines are no longer effective after a few weeks or months of regular use. They lose much of their efficacy because of the development of tolerance. When tolerance develops, “withdrawal ” symptoms can appear even though the user continues to take the drug. Thus the symptoms suffered by many long-term users are a mixture of adverse effects of the drugs and “withdrawal” effects due to tolerance. The Committee on Safety of Medicines and the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK concluded in various statements (1988 and 1992) that benzodiazepines are unsuitable for long-term use and that they should in general be prescribed for periods of 2-4 weeks only.

What exactly is “tolerance withdrawal?” As I understand it and experience it, it is the result of, having developed tolerance, the body craves more. In between doses the body goes into “withdrawal.” This is experienced by break-through anxiety and or physical and mental discomforts of various natures. The discomfort goes away once the scheduled dose is administered. What is of importance here, in my case, is that I was not prescribed benzos for anxiety. I was prescribed them for insomnia. I have since developed what might be commonly called general anxiety disorder or GAD. I’m convinced this is the result of benzo tolerance and damage as I’ve seen it referred to by scores of accidental addicts, most notably by people who were not initially prescribed the benzo for anxiety. Before deciding “my drugs were my problem,” (to borrow a phrase–modified for my purposes–from Peter Breggin) I was taking 3 mg Klonopin each evening and then up to 3 mg a day PRN (ie: as needed.) Yes, up to 6 mg a day. Now evidence of my tolerance withdrawal is exemplified by a daily anxiety attack in the evening before I take my regular scheduled dose. I don’t dream of taking more to alleviate the symptoms earlier.

The other lovely result of my benzo use is the cognitive impairment I’ve developed. This, in my case, is excacerbated by the use of neuroleptics, another class of drugs that cause severe cognitive problems.

Studies of cognitive function: Several studies have shown that chronic benzodiazepine use is associated with specific cognitive impairments which are different from those seen on acute administration (Hendler et al.1980; Petursson et al. 1983; Lucki et al. 1986; Brosan et al. 1986; Golombok et al. 1988; Lader 1987; Tata et al. 1994). For example, Golombok et al. (1988) tested the performance in a battery of psychomotor tests of 50 patients who had been taking benzodiazepines (up to 30mg diazepam equivalent daily) for at least once year and by control subjects who had not taken benzodiazepines regularly. The cognitive performance of the chronic benzodiazepine users was specifically impaired in two main areas: (a) visuospatial ability and (b) ability to sustain attention in a repetitive task under time pressure. The pattern of impairment was consistent with deficits in posterior cortical (parietal, posterior temporal and occipital) rather than frontal lobe function.More recently Tata et al. (1994) found a wider range of cognitive impairments in 21 patients who had taken larger doses (10-100mg diazepam equivalent, daily) for a mean of 13.2 years compared with 21 normal control subjects matched for sex, age and I.Q. The benzodiazepine users showed significant impairments in verbal learning and memory, and in psychomotor, visuomotor and visuo-conceptual abilities. The main adverse effects of benzodiazepines on memory and psychomotor performance in this study appeared to implicate functions of the hippocampus and diencephalon/recticular formation. In neither of the studies (Golombok et al. 1988 and Tata et al. 1994) were differences in anxiety levels between benzodiazepine users and controls considered likely to account for the rather specific differences in performance.

Another common “side-effect of chronic benzo use is depression as well as a host of other problems including “querrulousness” and agression. Scores of people prescribed benzos end up on anti-depressants. For me depression predated benzo use. But I don’t doubt that my benzo use increased and protracted my depression.

Long-term Side Effects: All the psychological changes mentioned above may occur as long-term side effects when the use (or abuse) has become chronic i.e. has been going on for many months or even years. The frequency of such side effects is significantly higher than the frequency of “paradoxical” side effects. The long-term effects include depression, querulousness or aggression, and subtle personality changes. Further, fatigue, passivity and symptoms of memory and cognitive impairment may ensue.

Querulousness,” perhaps another way to say irritable? My irritability since beginning treatment with psychiatric drugs has sky-rocketed. This has led to greater and greater doses of neuroleptics of all things! Yes, my psychiatrist got me up to 11 mg of Risperdal, paired with 50 mg of Seroquel for irritability. ANTI-PSYCHOTICS in massive doses for irritability. The irritability never improved, yet I stayed on these drugs for years. As I’ve come off of them my irritability has neither gotten worse nor has it improved. I can only hope that the withdrawal of benzos will give me some relief.

I will end this post with a positive message from Dr. Heather Ashton. While being on benzodiazepines, and then the process of withdrawal can be an ugly proposition, Ashton comforts people with the following words:

Contrary to public impression, you definitely do NOT have to “go through hell” to come off benzodiazepine hypnotics or tranquillisers.Most symptoms are due to too rapid withdrawal or to fear. But do not be afraid. With individually tailored, gradual , dosage tapering, adjusted to your own lifestyle and personality, and with support, encouragement, and advice from appropriate mentors, it is possible to become benzodiazepine-free without suffering or with only minimal discomfort. I have personally seen hundreds of people withdraw after taking benzodiazepines for 1 to over 20 years.Many of them actually started to feel better during withdrawal: their minds became clearer as dosage was tapered and their self-confidence increased with each reduction. Over 90% withdrew successfully and after withdrawal (as many other studies have also shown) their physical and mental health improved, they slept better, felt stronger, and were able to take control of their lives without medication. Almost anyone with the right motivation, the right withdrawal schedule, and the right advice can become benzodiazepine-free without intolerable symptoms.

Perhaps, my experience on the benzo boards illustrate the experience of the 10% who have a hell of a time withdrawing. I can certainly hope for the best for my own withdrawal.

For a compilation of many articles and info on benzos go here: Benzo info, news, resources & recovery stories.

4 thoughts on “Benzo Land

  1. Kristine,
    some people can get off in 2 months but some people really need 2 years.

    I would print out information from the Ashton manual which is cited above and bring it to your doctors in the event that you are someone who needs a lot of time to get off benzos.

    Good luck.

  2. Hi,i been reading your post,i read alot of negative information about benzo withdrawel,no wonder i am scared to come off,but i also realize i have to for the fact that i have been on them for 18 years! I took klonopin for almost 18 years,the dosages varied througout the years from 0.5 milligrams twice daily,to 3mgs daily,and then to 2mgs daily,and i have taken 1mg daily,throught the years,i am on a taper now,i am currently on 2 mgs,and i had my first taper,of 1/4 tablet every week,but my treatment center,they had to pack my meds for years becouse my docter did not trust me to have them on me,becouse i have abused them from time to time,i am going off of them in 2 months,and i am a little nervous,can anyone give me some reasurance?Much appreciated! Sincerely Kristine at

  3. ..”So why talk now about benzo addiction and withdrawal when I’m not really there yet? Because the prospect of it scares the shit out of me.”

    Me too. I’ve been on Xanax for nearly 8 years.Started by a PCP for “anxiety”. My psych is now working on a plan, for this (in my dreaded opinion will be the worst of all)to remove the benzo.
    I am on extended release. I’ve been on regular xanax and can tell everyone it wears off into withdrawal inbetween doses; that’s when I went to the XR version.
    I told the psych I’m gonna have to go to rehab for this one.
    I am currently removing Seroquel. Once that is done; Xanax.
    I think I have put this one off purposely; knowing how bad it’s going to be.

    Your blog is really great,


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