Myth, metaphor and coming to awareness…

Metaphor and myth must be relied on when the nervous system cannot handle reality.This isn’t a joke it’s very serious. Trauma embeds and it’s too painful to tolerate… as we heal we start to be able to heal the excruciatingly painful psycho/spiritual dimension as embedded in the body

Stories keep us safe. We like to make fun of other peoples stories but the truth is they are all equal. The secret is everyone is feeling too challenged to face the gloriousness and horrendousness of reality.

On the subject of myth and metaphor, if you take delight in such things, Lucifer on Netflix is the most delicious entertainment I’ve had in awhile. Nothing like life force blaring its message through popular TV programs. What fun!

a friend said: sometimes in our lives stories are as important as food. And I agree, they pretty much always are (in one way or another)…it’s the only way we can frame the mystery… non-attachment to the stories allows for freedom, however.


An important task for humanity is to lose the fear of the devil. There is no devil.


You are the entire cast of characters of every mythology there ever was. We are all the entire cast of characters of the entire collective conscious and unconscious (and then some). Yea, Walt Whitman, is right, all of us contain the entire multitude.

And a bit of Walt Whitman: “Copulation is no more rank to me than death is. I believe in the flesh and the appetites, Seeing, hearing, feeling are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.” — Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)


It’s happening. All you have to do is stay present and aware and watch.


Relax and let it happen.


There is nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with any of us. This is just what is happening. It’s that simple.


Waking up is, in one regard, simply the cessation of fear. See: Fear and anxiety: coping, reframing, transforming…


This is a planet of suffering. As we become conscious we can inflict less harm but we do not stop inflicting what appears harmful altogether. When we profoundly understand that, being awake allows us to celebrate the whole entire spectrum. Good versus bad ceases to have meaning.


Into the body, into the earth.


I love Richard Rohr. In his new book The Universal Christ he dedicates the work to his 15 year old recently deceased dog. He clarifies by saying his dog too, is Jesus. Jesus can only be truly understood when non-duality is understood.


The entire emotional Spectrum is okay. It’s called being human. Embrace it all. Anything less is denial. In complete embrace we perform alchemy.


Is anyone not insane?


To no longer have neither addictions nor aversions…


Fall in love with everything.


when if we instead learn to listen and flow with our pain…and thus respond with love and tenderness, we heal.


****And we could really use some financial support at the moment! I do this all for no other compensation that what the readers want to offer in support. Thank you!****

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For a multitude of ideas about how to create a life filled with safer alternatives to psychiatric drugs visit the drop-down menus at the top of this page or scroll down the homepage for more recent postings.

10 thoughts on “Myth, metaphor and coming to awareness…

  1. I don’t find any of this helpful. I have physical pain and I’m not able to heal it.

    1. I’m sorry. There’s a lot more on this website that has nothing to do with this post –check out the drop-down menus if you haven’t visited before otherwise perhaps you need to be somewhere else –that’s okay too. There’s lots of websites and people out there talking about all sorts of things– find your niche if this site isn’t for you. May you feel better soon.

    2. Have you tried grounding/earthing? I have a grounding mat on my bed, it helps with my knee pain, back pain, chest pain. (But funny thing, I had my son sleep on it, and I think it made him *more* irritable, after a few weeks of using it!)

      1. grounding is great. I’ve spent hours on end on the grass at certain times of the year. Here is a bit about grounding (also called earthing):

        as far as your sons response goes we can always respond positively or negatively to just about anything. I have some earthing mats too…and an earthing bracelet.

        here are posts on pain in general…

        and please do look at the drop down menus too. Pain responds to healing methods of all kinds I’ve found and I’ve needed to do a whole lot of things in combination which, again, can be found in the drop down menus…

    3. Have you tried increasing malic acid in your diet which is found in a lot of sour-sweet fruits like apples, pineapples, mangoes? Recently, I was fortunate to avail myself of a continuous supply of raw/semi-ripe mangoes and was surprised to note that my scoliosis pain has reduced greatly

  2. mmh – yes but, may I sing along, if in slightly differing tune with this one: Am just being read Oliver Sacks’ beautiful A Leg to Stand On as audio and find consciousness is able to tackle much more than thought if without labeling – and I treasure his abstinence from myths in making sense of his experience – although he mentions how he took to religious stories afresh – no more than mentions mind.

  3. THANK YOU, MONICA! Yes, I am shouting with enthusiasm and passionate gratitude, just what I wanted/needed to hear at this moment.

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