Random musings and personal intro to Islam and Sufism

Again, below I share random musings from the last few weeks with links to the archives for further consideration or contemplation.

Talk To Me: Loving Your Evil Side

During the dialogue, inspired by The Red Book image shown here, Harvey commented on an inborn hatred of our physical selves, saying that humans are in “a boat of meat that is now exploding,” and the struggle we all go through in acknowledging and loving the evil that’s within all of us. … [click on title to read and view more]

Through love vinegar becomes rich wine

A bit of Rumi to wake up to this morning: Through love bitter things seem sweet. Through love scraps of copper are turned to gold. Through love dregs taste like clear wine. Through love agonies are healing balms. Through love thorns become roses. Through love vinegar becomes rich wine. Through love the scaffold becomes a… Continue Reading →

Intellect vs Love

Lovers know there are roses in the bloody veil of love; they live astounded by Love’s matchless beauty. The intellect says, “The six directions are blocked!” Love says, “There’s a way!” Intellect sees a market and starts to haggle; Loves sees thousands of markets beyond that market. How many mystic martyrs hidden in Love’s soul… Continue Reading →

If you’re paying attention your heart breaks regularly

If you’re really listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders. … [click on title to read and view more]

There is a path for every one of us. And we’re all different.

I repeatedly talk about how what works for me may not be appropriate for anyone else when I talk about healing. This extends out to our entire lives and spiritual pursuits too. I have also written about how important it is to respect where people fall on the spectrum of psychiatric drug use as well. SEE: To my friends and readers who still take psych drugs (and to the whole spectrum of folks on and off meds too)

This is the fundamental reason that coercion in psychiatry is so profoundly harmful too. People all have their own way to find. And we know this deep within ourselves. This is why our idiosyncratic experience is only that. To generalize it to others is arrogant and misguided. Just as the psychiatrist didn’t know what was right for many of the readers of this blog, we too do not know what is right for anyone other than ourselves. … [click on title to read and view more]

We accept a cultural value that annihilates the Earth (making us all sick and in denial)

We are still accepting a cultural value that annihilates the Earth. If we don’t change, we are going to our own extinction. This is precisely what addicts do. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Many paths (as many as there are beings)

I often talk about how what works for me may not be appropriate for anyone else when I talk about healing. Well this extends out to our entire lives as well as our spiritual pursuits. I’ve also written about how important it is to respect where people fall on the spectrum of psychiatric drug use. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Navajo chant

The Earth, its life am I. The Earth, its feet are my feet. The Earth, its legs are my legs. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Carl Jung himself experienced psychosis

Carl Jung himself said:

I had the feeling that I was in an over-compensated psychosis, and from the feeling I was not released until August 1, 1914.

And yes, he recovered, transformed and went on to thrive, just like so many others, from that psychosis… … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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