Life with Tardive Dyskinesia (Lyme too)

I’ve posted a couple of times about having TD. It is an awful debilitating, crippling and disfiguring disease caused by iatrogenic injury. I just discovered the National Organization for Tardive Dyskinesia so I thought I would share. There is very little accurate or clear information about this disease. I have avoided doctors mostly as I’ve not encountered anyone that seems like they would do anything other than harm. Neurologists who treat TD are prone to use psych meds and the MDs I saw mostly shamed and dismissed me as crazy. I did have a psychiatrist who was also a friend diagnose me and it’s very clear that I have TD. I go from being physically okay to being able to hardly stand up in the same day. I suffer from acute and chronic pain in my face, head, neck and shoulders. I am often totally unable to function as a result of this drug injury. I’ve written very little about it because this site was about recovering after coming off psych meds and well, I’ve got my mental health but I am not well. It’s likely I will never be well. My only goal now is to learn how to cope better. As readers of this site know I’ve exhausted all manner of behavioral and lifestyle healing methods. This is not an easy ride. (click through for more)

Speaking Out About Research Misconduct: Live and Learn Inc. and Open Excellence/Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care

by Will Hall, Monica Cassani, and Dina Tyler

In the world of innovations in how we treat survivors of psychiatric crisis, Live and Learn Inc and Open Excellence/Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care do valuable work. Live And Learn is a research company owned by Laysha Ostrow that collects and analyzes data on the viability of alternative mental health treatments, and Open Excellence/FEMHC is a philanthropy started by patients’ family members that channels funding into promising projects. They’re colleagues with us in the broader “critical psychiatry” movement ((Will was one of the original founding board members of Open Excellence/FEMHC) and we’ve all known each other for many years. At the same time, after collaborating with Live and Learn and Open Excellence/FEMHC on a past project, we are left very concerned by apparent ethical irregularities, including possibly crossing the line into research misconduct and plagiarism.

On Stories and Madness, Magic and Mindfulness

By Leaflin Lore Winecoff Madness comes from over-identification with the stories generated by our minds. Our personal magic is the way that we choose to interact with these stories. Yogas chitta vritti nirodha: Yoga is liberation from the whirlpools of the mind. We’ve all got stories going on all the time on multi-levels – some… Continue Reading →

Waking After a Lifetime: Ingrid’s Voice

This bodymind named Ingrid has so much to say…and what seeks expression is not just for the sake of my own healing, but to serve as a beacon for anyone on a similar path, who needs to know they are not alone. Mine is a path of emerging from profound trauma, adversity, and lack, and of living in the world as highly sensitive, gifted, neurodiverse, and spiritually awakening. We are the people who so often find ourselves in the offices of professional helpers…and I will write for them, too, as it is imperative that those who would presume to walk with us, understand what actually helps…and be willing to challenge that which does not…even though this will take them straight into the heart of their own pain….

Healing means owning oneself

Healing means owning oneself. I contain multitudes. I suppose more accurately healing is letting go of the self. No-self is the healthy human animal that dances with the all in open awareness. Our body knows. We are nothing. We are cogs in the human organism that is part of a bigger organism that is life. We… Continue Reading →


Sorry, this had a much more extensive collection for a time. Most of the listed books were presented with a photo of the cover. They have all disappeared. I will try to get back to this as I’m able. In the meantime there remains a highly abbreviated collection of books below. Thank you.   This… Continue Reading →

A story about the body and coming to know the inner asshole too…

This isn’t a story in the usual sense. this is about what is happening in my body and how it affects everything else.  It is what is happening. …

Detoxing rape out of our systems. We do it for ourselves and we do it for the collective.

I am 53 years old. I spent the night detoxing from a rape that happened when I was 16. It’s no joke — that trauma embeds in the body if we don’t deal with it when it happens. In my day they told us we were crazy and drugged the crap out of us. We tended to comply in our shame and horror. Let’s all speak up and put an end to it now. …

Let’s go crazy…

I never gave up on the good that was emerging in all that confusion that was labeled and pathologized by psychiatry. I was trying to emerge from the ugly conditioned toxicity of our society. And yeah, that’s hard work, especially for traumatized sensitives which, if we’ve been labeled, drugged and institutionalized by psychiatry, we likely are. Crazy is a necessity if one is to become free. We need to provide safe places for folks to move through it. It is not what psychiatry tells us it is. Not at all. …

Being true to our experience and the trauma we are healing…

Knowing/allowing traumatized parts of the psyche to be expressed is important. What people have trouble with is finding a graceful way (and a safe place) to do that. It’s a legitimate issue because there are few supportive environments to do the work needed. …

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