Everything matters: Beyond Meds ~ navigation menus etc.

The URL everyone knows and loves is back. Here is an updated navigation menu for saving and/or sharing. Navigating close to 6,000 posts gets complicated! 

Roasted lotus seeds: medicinal, healthy, snack recipe (foodie friday) – low histamine

Lotus seeds roasted in a pan with a wee bit of ghee, cinnamon, salt and ground Nigella sativa and fennel seeds. That’s a tasty crunchy medicinal snack. Food is good. This is a recipe  that would have made my friend Yasmina proud. …

In memory, with love, Yasmina Ykelenstam of “Healing Histamine”

A dear friend and colleague passed away yesterday from breast cancer. It came as a shock. She was only 43 years old. Yasmina Ykelenstam and I were both running websites in the early days of blogging and we did a lot of bouncing ideas off one another back in the early days of that foment …

The histamine intolerance link and how this paleo girl went vegetarian — and back again — dysregulation demands it

When we’re healing our needs are a moving target. Healing is not static! We need to respond to our body and be willing to change up what is helping at all times. This is a good thing. …

Stimulate your vagus nerve and thus chill out: simple, natural, noninvasive methods

“Several of the simple, natural and noninvasive methods to stimulate the vagus nerve are things I’ve already been doing and sharing here. I didn’t necessarily realize that I was stimulating the vagus nerve and that’s why I was finding it so soothing. My favorite is listening to various sorts of chanting. I’ve done several posts on my love of sound and tonal healing. Well, this is why. I’m stimulating my vagus nerve….

A heck of a year for me…thoughts and Top 10 posts of 2018

December 25th was  the anniversary of the day I was in ICU almost dead last year. I was fearing winter most of the year but it’s turned out far better than I expected.  I am alive today…following the love of life-force within me that continues to heal this body which remains challenged (but only in the eyes of those who do not understand sacred illness) … I AM. And I am continuing to heal and celebrate life in ways I didn’t know were possible. …

Chronic illness

My “chronically ill” body rewards my gentle persistent attentions with never-ending insights into the nature of being an embodied human. Healing is alchemy and it never ends. The sensitive body holds the entire world’s pain, trauma, joy and madness within it. And yes, the suggestion is that most of us are not embodied. The conditioned self is disembodied. Coming to embodiment can be very painful.

Histamine, salicylates, oxalates sensitivities (food sensitivity in general, too): HEALING it all

Sensitivities to many different foods and substances, for me, have proven to be issues with poor methylation and therefore a non-existent capacity to detoxify naturally. I had 100s of radical hypersensitivities with foods that I no longer have at the height of the psychiatric drug withdrawal syndrome. …

Healing psychosis: stories, information and resources

This post may be cut and pasted in it’s entirety and shared without further permission.  Stories of healing and transformation Below this updated section remains the list of recovery stories and resources for that which is labeled psychotic. See also: Drug free recovery from depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc… The below statements started out as a brief thought… Continue Reading →

Somatic mysticism: reframing “hypersensitivity”

Somatic mysticism: reframing “hypersensitivity”. I can feel my cells doing their work quite often and I feel all manner of metabolic movement and I feel far more than I can even begin to really know from a biological standpoint. Still when I listen and pay attention I collect data, information to act on. With this info I continue to heal and become (consciously) one with all that is.

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