Tardive Dyskinesia

This page houses a collection of articles about tardive dyskinesia. The link can always be found in the menus at the top of the site. Most of the below articles are also about Lyme disease and multiple systemic chronic infections as well. I learned to understand TD in light of treating the Lyme disease and… Continue Reading →

Joey Marino, actor dies: Tardive Dyskinesia

Joey Marino died recently. I have tardive dyskinesia too. People do not understand how serious it is. Life is nightmarish and we plug along doing the best we can. No one wants to know ugly so we try to dwell on other things when we are with people….because everyone disappears around serious illness. Especially when it’s not legitimized in ways like cancer or some other diseases are.

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Dina Tyler: Psych survivor at Psychiatric Grand Rounds, SF

I remember the first time I watched Dina Tyler on stage in 2014 on a youtube video and fell in love! Here she presents her psych survivor story and the story of so many of us with open vulnerability in front of a room filled with psychiatrists. I am in awe.

Tardive Dyskinesia is brain injury

Tardive Dyskinesia is brain damage. It is a medically induced (iatrogenic) INJURY caused by 500 different drugs often used in psychiatry, gastroenterology and Parkinsons. People are rarely told of the risk. It’s often referred to as a side effect of the drugs. This is offensive. A side effect is not a crippling life long disease… Continue Reading →

A return from the dead and more on Tardive Dyskinesia (also Lyme)

Why did I mostly stop writing? Because I was dealing with something I no longer knew how to talk about. Mostly because people really don’t like reading about disability. All the able-bodied ableists who want to pretend that somehow disability must be the fault of the person suffering from it. Yeah. Lots of my readers too. The comments became unbearable and remain that way. I mostly keep them turned off.

I’ve written a few new pieces on my own idiosyncratic experience of TD. I thought I’d share with you Robert Whitaker’s long and well-researched piece. (continue reading, click through)

Tardive dyskinesia – a sign of iatrogenic injury from neuroleptics

I have tardive dyskinesia. I’ve not written about it. I can’t find a single reference online about it that doesn’t pathologize it..and DRUG it further. This is a very brief definition taken from WebMD (and to be clear they do not know what it is)…but the description is fair enough. Tardive dyskinesia is a side… Continue Reading →

Tardive dyskinesia is an infection

It turns out dyskinesia is a recognized symptom of Bartonella, a Lyme disease co-infection.

I was right. Tardive Dyskinesia, too, is an infection. I’m pretty sure it always is and not just in my case and I’m collecting studies to go about establishing enough evidence that the medical establishment will stop telling victims of psychiatric drugging that there is no hope. …

Life with Tardive Dyskinesia (Lyme too)

I’ve posted a couple of times about having TD. It is an awful debilitating, crippling and disfiguring disease caused by iatrogenic injury. I just discovered the National Organization for Tardive Dyskinesia so I thought I would share. There is very little accurate or clear information about this disease. I have avoided doctors mostly as I’ve not encountered anyone that seems like they would do anything other than harm. Neurologists who treat TD are prone to use psych meds and the MDs I saw mostly shamed and dismissed me as crazy. I did have a psychiatrist who was also a friend diagnose me and it’s very clear that I have TD. I go from being physically okay to being able to hardly stand up in the same day. I suffer from acute and chronic pain in my face, head, neck and shoulders. I am often totally unable to function as a result of this drug injury. I’ve written very little about it because this site was about recovering after coming off psych meds and well, I’ve got my mental health but I am not well. It’s likely I will never be well. My only goal now is to learn how to cope better. As readers of this site know I’ve exhausted all manner of behavioral and lifestyle healing methods. This is not an easy ride. (click through for more)

Nature within us and without speaks to us always

That has been my experience. I’ve had to toss out everything I’ve been told and learn from the inside out of this body that nature gave me. Dismantle the conditioned self and come into our being with nature. Yes, Mother Nature, in the end, has been my only reliable teacher, parent, Guru, doctor, and friend. She is everywhere, always. We need only pay attention. She is always speaking to us., we need only learn to take heed. …

#WORLDBENZODAY — Recovery is hard. Healing is hard. It’s also beautiful. Hang in there.

 When medicine and doctors almost kill you…  Because, yeah, I was on death’s door for a long, long time. It can still feel traumatic to really think about that time and continues to be trauma inducing.  I do hope we can help others avoid such a fate.

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