TD updated

I’ve come to believe that serious microbiome issues (lyme disease) and tardyve diskinesia are essentially the same thing. Such is the experience in my body. I have lyme disease — with five documented pathogens involved. I have mostly used Buhner inspired treatments. I also have tardive dyskinesia, a collection of debilitating “symptoms” associated with pharmaceutical… Continue Reading →

Buzzing words come

We’re all selfish human beings in training to become the lovers we are as well. The surviving animal must be “selfish.” As we come out of pure survival, the species depends on us becoming lover. Love madly, passionately, indiscriminately. Start with your own selfish self. *** let go. let go. let go. *** In surrender… Continue Reading →

Paradox rules: life on the razor’s edge (updated)

My healing process is intense and relentless. I hit crises with some regularity and I go into an altered state in which the body knows exactly what to do to take care of it and slowly the body heals. The body does know what it’s doing. Yes. Conditioned mind just needs to get out of… Continue Reading →

On Stories and Madness, Magic and Mindfulness

By Leaflin Lore Winecoff Madness comes from over-identification with the stories generated by our minds. Our personal magic is the way that we choose to interact with these stories. Yogas chitta vritti nirodha: Yoga is liberation from the whirlpools of the mind. We’ve all got stories going on all the time on multi-levels – some… Continue Reading →

Rabbit holes and multidimensional reality…

It boils down to rabbit holes. If it’s not one rabbit hole it will be another. Everyone stuck in a rabbit hole is in the dark. EVERYONE. The entire human species is in agony and trying to heal. There are, however, rabbit holes within rabbit holes. It’s a rough ride for everyone.

Ask yourself, what rabbit hole or holes am I in? …

The perpetrating healer and integrating the ugly

If you want to beat yourself up when you “slip into old habits” go for it, but I suggest you learn to be kind to yourself instead. When you find that you can do that go for deeply mindful instead of beating yourself up…see what the parts of you that wanted that food or drug… Continue Reading →

Trauma, detox (physical and mental) and other odds and ends

Trauma is not an aberration. It is normal. This needs to be appreciated. The human being uses trauma to evolve and grow and come into awareness. It’s just part of the deal. We are a traumatizing species. …

Waking up, food intolerances and chronic illness

Waking up and healing the body of autoimmune, chronic illness etcetera – are destructive processes that then require rebuilding of both body & psyche. Healing, as an act of both destruction and creation, requires Kali energy. I was not consciously aware of this when she first entered my life. …

The trip to Boston (first travel in a decade since the pharmaceutical brain injury)

These are the status updates and tweets since my trip began in chronological order. I’m swamped and don’t have time to do anything more formal. At some point I will because so much more is happening than what I’m able to share in these limited reflections. *** August 18. (while flying) The amount of stimulation among… Continue Reading →

Healing from trauma is an unlayering process

Healing from trauma as well as the waking up process, in general, is often experienced as an unlayering process. Lately I’ve been revisiting the oldest wounding again. It’s been a doozy. It’s got correlates in the body (and shows up as chronic illness via the psych drug damage–everything matters and everything is connected!) and so I’ve not been feeling well either. It’s bringing up all the stuff about the system and healers that played into my even earlier wounding.

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