Biofilm and such. Chronic illness 101

Biofilms are there to protect the body as much as anything…encapsulated bad stuff acumulated throughout a lifetime.

Environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals are used by the micro-organisms to hang together. The resulting stuff becomes more and more difficult to treat.

Cucina Naturale | Simple organic whole food

Healing is a dynamic flow of constant change.  I always have a lot of fun experimenting in the kitchen in order to meet those changes…

Everything matters: Beyond Meds ~ navigation menus etc.

The URL everyone knows and loves is back. Here is an updated navigation menu for saving and/or sharing. Navigating close to 6,000 posts gets complicated! 

Returning to roots and well-being with food

I made eggplant Parmesan for the first time in at least 10 years. Reintroducing foods from my ancestry (I’m an immigrants daughter so it’s not far removed) I ate this way growing up, along with speaking Italian in my American home. My healing has taken me full circle. In rediscovering the diet of the people… Continue Reading →

Getting healthy means coming to balance (Lyme too)

update: I did test positive for lyme and several co-infections in 2020 I had multiple infections that responded to Lyme disease treatment. I never tested positive for Lyme and gave up on doctors after that. Healing (for me) didn’t mean killing off all micro-organisms. It meant bringing balance by moving out excess of the ones… Continue Reading →

Getting to know herbs (spotlight CBD)

These are relationships. You get to know the plant and how you interact with it. There are times when it’s appropriate and there are times when it is not and this is true for just about everything.

Those of us with these injuries know something about the trickster in just about any food or substance. We have a lot of sensitivities.  I find that most herbs have a sort of polarity in which they may be just what you need today but not tomorrow. And they really do act differently in the body depending on what is going on. All herbs do this in one way or another. Some are much more noticeable than others. …

Life force wants our camaraderie…(some thoughts arising during quarantine)

Self-medicating?  everyone self medicates. A healing diet is a form of self-medication, so is listening to calming music, or going running and doing yoga.  And sure, so is downing a bottle of wine, smoking or doing any other substance for the purpose of easing ones emotional state. Self-medicating is totally normal.  Learning to do it skillfully is the intent of a harm reduction practice. We’re creatures that survive by ingesting substances of all kinds…food and herbs included. Only thing wrong is that we’ve not been allowed be ourselves and learn to listen to our bodies. …

Waking up, food intolerances and chronic illness

Waking up and healing the body of autoimmune, chronic illness etcetera – are destructive processes that then require rebuilding of both body & psyche. Healing, as an act of both destruction and creation, requires Kali energy. I was not consciously aware of this when she first entered my life. …

Healing is not linear

Healing is not linear. (we hear that all the time, for good reason). For me healing is like a spiral staircase with a good dose of yoyo all the way up

Trauma, detox (physical and mental) and other odds and ends

Trauma is not an aberration. It is normal. This needs to be appreciated. The human being uses trauma to evolve and grow and come into awareness. It’s just part of the deal. We are a traumatizing species. …

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