Sexual assault, psychiatric assault and the patriarchy

Those of us who have both been sexually assaulted and then assaulted by psychiatry have wounding so deep that nobody listens to us really – nobody listens to both a woman and a crazy person. …

Stimulate your vagus nerve and thus chill out: simple, natural, noninvasive methods

“Several of the simple, natural and noninvasive methods to stimulate the vagus nerve are things I’ve already been doing and sharing here. I didn’t necessarily realize that I was stimulating the vagus nerve and that’s why I was finding it so soothing. My favorite is listening to various sorts of chanting. I’ve done several posts on my love of sound and tonal healing. Well, this is why. I’m stimulating my vagus nerve….

Mourning, loss and vision

This will aways be in my heart: that people will be offered meaningful options to toxic psychiatry and that a kaleidoscopic infrastructure of care will rise up as a result of our holding this vision and passing it on. Multiple options are offered that change as people grow and change. Healing is not stagnant…what we need changes daily and by the minute. That the system will be fluid and alive, growing and changing just like those who need healing within it. That the “system” will actually be the village. Real egalitarian community…a world in which every human being is equal to every other human being.  …

Emotional “dysregulation” is plasticity

while the healing process may sometimes be radical and even violent as well as time consuming, ultimately when we’ve healed, we’ve also transformed in profound ways. Indeed, this is becoming my experience. …

The trip to Boston (first travel in a decade since the pharmaceutical brain injury)

These are the status updates and tweets since my trip began in chronological order. I’m swamped and don’t have time to do anything more formal. At some point I will because so much more is happening than what I’m able to share in these limited reflections. *** August 18. (while flying) The amount of stimulation among… Continue Reading →

Coming home (by Paul Woodward and Monica)

I retired the site late last year and didn’t know what the future of my work would be. I had become progressively ill with digestive and auto-immune issues in spite of eating and living really clean and well. I continued to deal with severe iatrogenic injury from the cocktail of psych drugs I came off of many years ago now. Drugs really do cause harm and I was about to discover that all over again.

All there is, is nature. To nature I surrender.

All there is, is nature. To nature I surrender. *** Sometimes being overwhelmed is the only way through. *** We’re all profoundly unique and complex and it’s really, just the lack of understanding that fact alone, that makes western medicine so dangerous for the sensitive among us. We must be met as individuals and not… Continue Reading →

Let us envision a world where this is no longer the case…

As we take over our own health care and come to know our bodies we are changing the world.

Psychiatric Drugs Cause Harm — #WorldBenzoDay

This is the video I did last year for this day. Help raise awareness and please share it and other information about benzodiazepines today.  Visit: —  World Benzodiazepine Day: Change through Unity  (Facebook page) — Recently I wrote another post about what it was like when the illness incurred by the drugs was at its worst: When medicine and doctors almost kill you…  Because, yeah, I was on death’s door for a long, long time. It can still feel traumatic to really think about that time. I do hope we can help others avoid such a fate. …

Body and brain are incredibly weird and fringe – astonishingly beautiful and horrifying too

As I heal my brain/body I lose the capacity to dissociate … it’s excruciatingly painful. Both physically and emotionally. …

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