Battle of the disabilities

Battle of the disabilities: I hardly ever get out of the house. I have tics and strange movements and I often have a raging swollen face and mouth due to the infection and tardive dyskinesia that causes the tics and movements and general disability. I look bad, I move funny and I make weird noises. Very occasionally it's all quiet enough that I venture out among the cruel humans, those members of our species, that make people whom they perceive as odd feel really bad for existing.

** genetic geniuses everyone of us**

The body electric… genetic geniuses every one of us …we need only pay attention…“There is a wealth of information built into us … tucked away in the genetic material in every one of our cells … without some means of access, there is no way even to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there.” – Alexander Shulgin “If the door of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to a man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake

Joey Marino, actor dies: Tardive Dyskinesia

Joey Marino died recently. I have tardive dyskinesia too. People do not understand how serious it is. Life is nightmarish and we plug along doing the best we can. No one wants to know ugly so we try to dwell on other things when we are with people....because everyone disappears around serious illness. Especially when it's not legitimized in ways like cancer or some other diseases are.

About the times I’ve almost died

The below video about the times I've almost died was recorded four years ago today. This sort of thing is still happening though I get better and better at moving the crud of detox (micro-organisms, metals and nanoparticals from pharma) out of my brain. I've learned a lot more about what is actually happening in the last year. The tardive dyskinesia and systemic microbiome issues are becoming clear to me.

Somatic living is life itself speaking to us

Somatic living is life itself speaking to us Dissociation is more frequently an issue then recognized. Projection (something pretty much everyone does) is a form of dissociation. Disembodiment is the norm. People avoid embodiment because the process can be physically painful… sometimes so acute it’s permanently avoided

Dina Tyler: Psych survivor at Psychiatric Grand Rounds, SF

I remember the first time I watched Dina Tyler on stage in 2014 on a youtube video and fell in love! Here she presents her psych survivor story and the story of so many of us with open vulnerability in front of a room filled with psychiatrists. I am in awe.


Success. Thank you to all who donated towards Everything Matters: Beyond Meds upgrade. The minimum goal has been reached and the upgrade has begun. I'm happy to say the readers are the key to this site's success. The upgrade has begun. Donations are always open as this has always been a voluntary effort and expenses... Continue Reading →

“change your thinking, change your life”

I wrote this in 2018 ... every now and then a piece arises from the past that has a lasting quality. IMO this is one of them. Please enjoy again or for the first time!

Healing is here

Healing is here. It's a misconception that healing is ever over. If your body is wounded in certain ways physical debilitation can take a long time or not disappear at all. Having been in surrender for a long time i have been living in healing and thus, health. The world is unkind to those they don't understand and those who live with illness especially. It frightens those who cannot sit with their own frailty. It's bigotry and it fuels our eugenically oriented society. Surrendering is health. It can look any which way from the outside. Judgement blinds us. ...

Let the light of your sensitivity shine

Madness remains an important concept in the literature of those who been psychiatrized. People who study Jung have a very difficult time with the Red Book. They often react to the fact that Jung, within his own psyche, allowed and embraced what is often labeled psychotic in those less resourced.

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