
Owning my pain. Once its owned it loses its power. Pain is a neutral sensation. It is impersonal and part of being in a body. Pain is not only a neutral sensation but when experienced as such, in clarity, it offers pure data. Wordless info that only the body can convey. …

Healing is not linear

Healing is not linear. (we hear that all the time, for good reason). For me healing is like a spiral staircase with a good dose of yoyo all the way up

How in-charge are we really?


Fall in love. Right now.

Make yourself like a food you hate.

Intentionally send those panic attacks and depressions packing. Yes, you’ve probably tried to control feelings a few zillion times before, but surely this time will be the charm. …

Their trauma is not an excuse to be a shitty person to you. Really?

Actually it kind of is. Certain kinds of trauma hack the nervous system in such a way that drama ensues even in light of awareness. Then it’s just your job to steer clear with great compassion and love in your heart. People who treat others badly because of their own trauma do need to become aware and avoid situations where they act like assholes until they better understand and are able to not behave in that way. We can help them by making clear boundaries while minimizing our judgments. …

Trauma patterning and raving loonies

“I’d much rather be with a raving loony who was directly confronting their bullshit than someone who spends all their energy repressing it. The cloaking thing always strikes a tinny note that would register as jarring and discordant to anyone able to “hear” it.” -Jed McKenna …..

Waking After a Lifetime: Ingrid’s Voice

This bodymind named Ingrid has so much to say…and what seeks expression is not just for the sake of my own healing, but to serve as a beacon for anyone on a similar path, who needs to know they are not alone. Mine is a path of emerging from profound trauma, adversity, and lack, and of living in the world as highly sensitive, gifted, neurodiverse, and spiritually awakening. We are the people who so often find ourselves in the offices of professional helpers…and I will write for them, too, as it is imperative that those who would presume to walk with us, understand what actually helps…and be willing to challenge that which does not…even though this will take them straight into the heart of their own pain….

Being true to our experience and the trauma we are healing…

Knowing/allowing traumatized parts of the psyche to be expressed is important. What people have trouble with is finding a graceful way (and a safe place) to do that. It’s a legitimate issue because there are few supportive environments to do the work needed. …

For Independence Day: None of us are free, if one of us are chained….

a bodhisattva song for indepence day: None of us are free, if one of us are chained. We can only truly know Independence and autonomy when we appreciate our profound and fundamental interdependence. None Of Us Are Free Solomon Burke One, two, three Well you better listen my sister’s and brothers, ‘Cause if you do… Continue Reading →

almost a year since almost dying. what is up?

I’m approaching the one year anniversary date of the second brain injury that almost killed me. I entered the ICU on December 25th of last year. I was unconscious for several days and then when I woke up I had lost virtually all my memory. Conveniently and fortunately I remembered Paul, my partner, but so confused, I also thought he was one of the MDs in the hospital. So, yeah, it’s been a long haul to where I am now. …

no longer on twitter…the tweets keep coming…

I’ve been weaning off social media for some years. I’ve now been completely off twitter and facebook for a month. Twitter for 2 months actually. Twitter was always my very favorite. I did a video about it some years ago because it was such a positively transformative experience for me. That said, all things change… Continue Reading →

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