“Befriend the emotional storms” — alternative to psychiatry

A video documentary featuring Jon Kabat-Zinn and the art of mindfulness: The modern world often seems chaotic, too fast and overwhelming. Recent statistics show there has been a huge increase in the amount of people turning to prescribed medication in order to deal with the turbulence of modern day living. Mindfulness can offer an alternative… Continue Reading →

“Meditating through my depression has shown me the universality of pain, and the availability of Grace.”

By Will Meecham
Progressive forces within the mental health services encourage meditation. My personal experience convinces me that meditative practice can help a person learn to cope with dark moods and sorrow. It can teach one to appreciate the full spectrum of human emotion rather than always striving to feel ‘good.’

Opening to Our Lives: Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Science of Mindfulness

Scientist and author Jon Kabat-Zinn has changed medicine through his work on meditation and stress. We explore what he has learned, through science and experience, about mindfulness as a way of life; about slowing down time, as he says, and “opening to our lives.” This is wisdom with immediate relevance to the ordinary and extreme stresses of our time — from economic peril, to parenting, to life in a digital age.

Meditation can be an emotional rollercoaster

About meditation being a cure-all that leads to only bliss: Meditation is an emotional rollercoaster A lot of people now come to meditation having read reports on the virtues of mindfulness. Last week there was one claiming it can ward off ageing, and one suggesting meditators make more rational decisions. A month ago mindfulness was… Continue Reading →


Meditation is about paying attention.

It is attention for the sake of awareness. Awareness balances out thought in ways that are profoundly creative and we don’t learn this sort of awareness in our culture and certainly not in our schools.

Five ways to be mindful

Simple rules to live by. I’ve featured Jon Kabat-Zinn on this site before. There is a great google video with him giving a brilliant lecture here. The video is at the bottom of the post and well worth watching. From US News and World Report: 1. Consider what’s right with you. “Until you stop breathing,… Continue Reading →

Jon Kabat-Zinn: Coming to Our Senses

Renowned mindfulness meditation teacher and best-selling author Jon Kabat-Zinn speaks at UCSD Medical Center on the topic of “Coming to Our Senses”, which is also the name of his new book, subtitled “Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness”. A pioneer in the application of ancient Buddhist practices to healing in modern medical settings, Kabat-Zinn… Continue Reading →

Awareness, mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn, the wonderful scientist, who has made meditation and mindfulness household terms gives a lecture here on this youtube video that takes place at Google. In it he covers lots of scientific studies of the healing nature of meditation. There is no mysterious religious dogma here—what he presents has been studied clinically. A couple… Continue Reading →

Quotes for the week

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying.  The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things. — Elise Boulding… Continue Reading →

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