Speaking to “normals” about our hypersensitivity

Through the years, as a means to survive, I've sculpted my social-media so that I don't have to listen to a lot of otherwise very offensive stuff about the experience of those of us with extreme sensitivities,  and iatrogenic and chronic illness. Still, because I care about some of the folks who continue to say insensitive, ignorant things about us, I do encounter it from time to time. In fact we cannot hide from the ignorance in the world about our experience and still live in the world and so I'm entering a phase of healing and learning that is helping me re-enter the world. That means facing such insults daily. ...

Oliver Sacks helps me explain hypersensitivity

Humans can discriminate between similar odors and detect many substances, sometimes more than rodents and dogs. -- The Myth That Humans Have Poor Smell Is Nonscents - The Atlantic -- We can also know which herbs will heal us and when it's appropriate to take them (a delightful thing I've learned as an amateur herbalist as I heal my brain) we are insanely out of touch with our animal selves. We have instinct and intuition like all animals...we can relearn and remember these skills...

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