Excellent information on blood sugar and how diabetes develops: learn this and get healthy

Excellent information on how blood sugar works. This is very important for most people. Especially important for people on psychiatric meds and those who've ever been on psychiatric meds since our bodies get out of whack from having been on them. Also important for anyone at risk of being diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder since underlying blood sugar issues can impact mood in numerous ways. And yes, adrenal fatigue is related to this! Since lots of people who’ve taken atypical antipsychotics have developed diabetes or are on the way to developing diabetes, it’s important for anyone with any metabolic issues that have been caused by psych drugs to know the information shared in the below video and the links I share. Also, it’s important to know that if you’ve taken psych drugs, you may have some of these problems without realizing it. These issues are societal wide but those of us who’ve taken psych meds have a substantially higher risk. Conventional medicine only diagnoses diabetes once the disease process has moved quite far along. So if you learn about the risk factors now you might be able to stop the process and get healthy and never develop diabetes!

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