Food sensitivities, histamine and mast cell activation syndrome

Food sensitivities, histamine and mast cell activation syndrome -- Note: This may be of interest to you if you have protracted psychiatric drug withdrawal issues, if you have autoimmune issues, and also other chronic illnesses like CFS and/or fibromyalgiahe rest of the post]

Carl Jung himself experienced psychosis

Carl Jung himself said: I had the feeling that I was in an over-compensated psychosis, and from the feeling I was not released until August 1, 1914. And yes, he recovered, transformed and went on to thrive, just like so many others, from that psychosis... … [click on title for the rest of the post]

I want burning: voice of longing

Coleman Barks does intuitive interprative translations of Rumi into American English. His work is truly lovely. Experience thirteenth-century mystical poet Rumi as you never have before—through the resonant, whiskey-and-syrup voice of Coleman Barks, a preeminent poet, scholar, and celebrated interpreter of Rumi's work. He is bard in the truest sense of the word. Coleman's extraordinary... Continue Reading →

Music and sounds for the soul

Music, sounds and vibrations of many kinds have helped me find different sorts of profound healing states. For me this has been one of the joys of becoming sensitive. I can feel both music and dance changing and healing my brain’s neurons

Embracing the Dark Night of the Soul

It may sound paradoxical but this is meant to be an inspirational piece about the dark night of the soul. Those of you who have heard of the dark night may have an idea of the amount of pain and confusion there can be....

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