Let the light of your sensitivity shine

Madness remains an important concept in the literature of those who been psychiatrized.
People who study Jung have a very difficult time with the Red Book. They often react to the fact that Jung, within his own psyche, allowed and embraced what is often labeled psychotic in those less resourced.

Growing Up Mad in the South: Stories, Poems, and Other Aberrations

In southern California I ran a yarn shop, Happy Hookers, and later, in northern California, a drop in center, The Mental Health Client Action Network for the neurologically diverse and frequently homeless. People came to the needlework shop to knit for the pending birth of babies, for crocheted bikinis and for something to do while they sat with the dying. While the south still called a psychotic break with reality a “nervous breakdown,” best kept in the backroom, Californians proudly wore sweat shirts that said “I graduated with a brain chip from UCLA Hospital.” I joined Psychiatric Inmates Rights Collective carrying signs that read “Housing, not Haldol” and became fascinated by the rhyming “word salad” of the so-called “seriously and persistently mentally ill (SPMI)” who were “likely to deteriorate.” While working full time, I have published prose and poetry in 43 mostly small, low circulation journals, magazines, and anthologies, one mimeographed. …

Mad Camp 2023 Scholarship Fund!

Go here to help — gofundme Hello lovely mad people! Hello everyone who has escaped from, is on the run from, is trying to flee, or is in hiding from psychiatry! And hello to all our wonderful allies and supporters! We are Will Hall, Dina Tyler and the Mad Camp crew, (including Monica Cassani) survivors of… Continue Reading →

** genetic geniuses everyone of us**

The body electric… genetic geniuses every one of us …we need only pay attention…“There is a wealth of information built into us … tucked away in the genetic material in every one of our cells … without some means of access, there is no way even to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there.” – Alexander Shulgin

“If the door of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to a man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake

Tardive Dyskinesia

This page houses a collection of articles about tardive dyskinesia. The link can always be found in the menus at the top of the site. Most of the below articles are also about Lyme disease and multiple systemic chronic infections as well. I learned to understand TD in light of treating the Lyme disease and… Continue Reading →

A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and Dyskinesia

And now on youtube too. A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and dyskinesia:

Mad Camp (July 20-24 2023)

Madness radio announces: Mad Camp is Coming! July 20-24 2023  Mad people are gathering for summer camp in the forested mountains two hours north of San Francisco. You heard that right! Swimming, hiking, campfires, hanging out, napping, dancing, music, art, dancing, the stars… Mad Camp is all about community friendship and connection. And there are also… Continue Reading →

Will Hall, Madness Radio, MA Psychology

Beyond Meds is the single most valuable source for both firsthand and research information about coming off psychiatric drugs. It’s my top referral for people looking for information on the Internet.

The voices are real

The voices are real. This post includes a collection of links to articles from Beyond Meds that deal explicitly with the experience of voice hearers. It also includes a documentary from the Hearing Voices Congress

On Stories and Madness, Magic and Mindfulness

By Leaflin Lore Winecoff Madness comes from over-identification with the stories generated by our minds. Our personal magic is the way that we choose to interact with these stories. Yogas chitta vritti nirodha: Yoga is liberation from the whirlpools of the mind. We’ve all got stories going on all the time on multi-levels – some… Continue Reading →

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