no longer on twitter…the tweets keep coming…

I've been weaning off social media for some years. I've now been completely off twitter and facebook for a month. Twitter for 2 months actually. Twitter was always my very favorite. I did a video about it some years ago because it was such a positively transformative experience for me. That said, all things change... Continue Reading →

Body, instinct, placebo and a little Goddess Kali

**Deconstructing in order to construct. Kali at work** This has been my healing process - Kali action.  -- The body had real (physical) structures for emotional/spiritual armor...they had to come down...that has been happening via an incredibly difficult heavy metal detox (and other toxins that are in the biofilm matrix). ***   Samsara rule number one: it's... Continue Reading →

Language of mental illness “others” people: it’s a human rights violation. Wake up.

When separation and microaggressions are legitimized and put into public policy and discourse, we become second class citizens and subhumans. This is oppression and bigotry systemically supported and then denied by almost everyone, including those most seriously affected. We come to believe these lies. ...

Story telling as means for transformative growth

A status update: Our bodies, in perfect reflection of our psyches, hold our personal mythologies. In this way we are all unique. This is what western medicine does not get. Clinical trials can never capture this. -- Someone took issue with my calling the reflection of our psyches in our bodies “mythology.”

Embracing darkness and shadow that we might also be light and joy

Here's the as much as we cannot abide the pain in others we are unawake to that pain within us...heal ourselves we heal the whole ... people who studiously avoid the "negative" are missing out on their own healing...we don't need to go look for it, but avoidance is denial. ... those who need love most...are the ones we studiously avoid ...the "difficult" people who've been hurt in ways we can't abide...sometimes others find me to be that person...most readers of this blog perhaps have felt rejected in this way too at one time or another. 

Somatic imperative with Chris Cole: Waking Up Bipolar Podcast

Over the years now I've been interviewed on radio and podcasts a number of times. I've had fun every time. This interview with Chris Cole, though, I believe is my favorite so far and that's because he went straight to what is most important to me at this time in my work. That is the... Continue Reading →

blah blah blah blah blah blah

some thoughts from around the internet in the last few days: In response to this article I saw tweeted: Psychiatric drugs killing more users than heroin, cocaine, say health experts I wrote these words:  Zyprexa alone killed far more than Vioxx ever did in same time it was on the market (Vioxx was taken off... Continue Reading →

What to say when folks don’t believe how the drugs have harmed us

I wrote the below response to someone who (admitted she) couldn't be bothered to read my post nor watch the video but felt it important to tell me that bragging about being drug free for seven years was nothing to be proud of...(LinkedIn is always the source of these sorts of comments that come my way these seems people come upon the work and it simply shocks them) It was this title she was responding too: 7 yrs off psych drugs: a message to those labeled by psychiatry ...

7 yrs off psych drugs: a message to those labeled by psychiatry (video included)

My birthday and my seven-year anniversary off of psych drugs was February 9th. I usually do a video and post that day, but I was actually in bed most of the day and didn't feel well at all...hence the video and post today... At this point I can feel growth in the shittiness too (most of... Continue Reading →

Animals hunker down when they’re healing…they do not fight the process. Let us be like the animals.

As I surrender I find that my brain/body/ has so much healing to do still and often times that requires bed rest and total quiet even now several years into this healing process. It's not illness when the body needs to's the demands of healing. Highly intense metabolic processes happening that mean I simply have to stop and allow the internal processes to take over. I need to surrender to the wisdom of the body at those times. I generally don't bother trying to explain to others anymore...not in any sort of detail. ...

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