The awakened heart is a broken heart

There's grief in awakening. Grief at the loss of autonomy, grief at the loss of purpose and meaning. Grief at the loss of knowing and certainty, however deluded they were. There's grief over losing one's power, and one's familiar identity. There's so much loss in awakening. When it dawns that there's nothing we can keep, nothing can be retained beyond its prescribed time, and all that we know and love must pass, then a natural grief for all of it can come. And since this knowledge of loss is for all of it, for all time, then that ache of grief is an ever-present refrain, a broken heart, amidst the delight at the miracle and mystery of life. ...

A story about the body and coming to know the inner asshole too…

This isn't a story in the usual sense. this is about what is happening in my body and how it affects everything else.  It is what is happening. ...

Say yes…

Listen to the body. It has all our ancestors within. Lots of mothers and fathers from the beginning of time...all recorded in our DNA. We also have access to the entire living collective via our body and spirit, both. ...

Is anyone not insane?

Among the multitude of dualities we struggle with, the most persistent is perhaps the struggle to impose order on disorder -- control on the uncontrollable...

Mini meditations for your pleasure in contemplation…

I often think in brief statements and feel less and less inclined to go on and on about much in full-length articles. I still enjoy the full-length articles when they emerge, they just are not emerging as often. And so I offer the below. Nuggets of fun stuff to think about. ...

S.A.D? (Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression) or might we be fighting nature?

I don't use the term depression for my experience,  but I do find that there is a big natural shift in winter that encourages going inward and slowing down. I have found for a long time now that moving away from the pathologizing of my experience has been a healthy move for me and many of the folks I advocate for.  ...

Mindfulness / Meditation, Complex Trauma: Rewards and Risks

What media hype and those selling mindfulness don’t tell you is that mindfulness is a process that can radically transform you, and it’s not always safe, nor is it easy or straightforward. We make it safer by being aware of the risks and learning to listen to our own bodies about when it is or isn’t okay for us. No one else actually knows.

Ecstatic dance today!

dancing madly this morning...the above is my garb -- essentially barefoot in my pajamas with headphones attached to my head with a headband ... I'm listening to the brilliant dj-ing of Robert Kochka Jr danced this first at an Asheville Movement Collective Wave more than a year ago-- find his waves on soundcloud... was gonna share the one I... Continue Reading →

no longer on twitter…the tweets keep coming…

I've been weaning off social media for some years. I've now been completely off twitter and facebook for a month. Twitter for 2 months actually. Twitter was always my very favorite. I did a video about it some years ago because it was such a positively transformative experience for me. That said, all things change... Continue Reading →

empathy, awareness of the body, SNRI withdrawal and self-inquiry…(collected brief thoughts on various things)

sometimes I feel as powerful as I feel helpless other times. I felt somewhat helpless when I first mused about the ridiculousness of academics and scientists thinking they're onto something brand new when we've known some of this stuff for many years. Today I feel powerful BECAUSE I've known this stuff for so many years and I continue to heal. As I continue to heal what I know becomes embodied. ...

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