State of mental health care #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth

It's important to consider what the right kind of care for those with mental health issues is because the fact is much of what is considered state of art now makes many people worse. Blanket calls for more available care isn't enough if we don't also think about what better care looks like. Pushing for making mental health treatment more accessible is not helpful if the available treatment is just plain bad as it is for the most part now. … [click on title to read and view more]

There is a path for every one of us. And we’re all different.

I repeatedly talk about how what works for me may not be appropriate for anyone else when I talk about healing. This extends out to our entire lives and spiritual pursuits too. I have also written about how important it is to respect where people fall on the spectrum of psychiatric drug use as well. SEE: To my friends and readers who still take psych drugs (and to the whole spectrum of folks on and off meds too) This is the fundamental reason that coercion in psychiatry is so profoundly harmful too. People all have their own way to find. And we know this deep within ourselves. This is why our idiosyncratic experience is only that. To generalize it to others is arrogant and misguided. Just as the psychiatrist didn't know what was right for many of the readers of this blog, we too do not know what is right for anyone other than ourselves. … [click on title to read and view more]

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