Driving Away From Psychiatric Drugs

Congratulations to my good friend Russ! His one year off psych meds today...he grew up from the time he was 11 on meds...he's discovering life in multiple new ways now... I send him love on his journey.

It gets better: Living well while being sick

I still practice the philosophy I wrote about in this piece. It’s been very helpful and continues to be helpful and I wrote it when I was still gravely ill in lucid moments really. I by no means am always so equanimous about all this, but practicing being with what is, surrendering to the moment of that which is, therefore, inescapable, for me, is truly the best way through this and also clearly brings healing. It’s a paradoxical stance really. In accepting what is completely without resistance there is a flow that allows for change and healing both. Some people didn’t like this post because I talk about embracing illness to the point of accepting it may always be. This is frightening to many people. Yet it was important for me to really explore that possibility in order to deeply accept what is right now. This continues to be the case even as I continue to improve in numerous ways. … [click on title to read and view more]

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