The anger and rage collection: what we don’t engage we cannot transform

Anger is an emotion many people have so much trouble with that what happens is that is they end up denying that it's how they feel and also then, in turn, become unable to be present to it in others. This is not an effective way to heal if one has good reason to be angry. In fact it becomes impossible. Most people have good reason to be angry. We live in a culture of abuse and trauma and we've all been hurt. We also see a world where forces that feel much bigger than us are hurting many 1000s and millions of people all over the world. We also watch as our world and planet is being destroyed. So many good reasons to be angry, yes. And so many good reasons to be totally and completely aware of what is going on around us. We need to get it together! The world is a mess and it's a mess because of us. Human beings. So, what do we do about it? … [click on title to read and view more]

Special graces

This is my interpretation of spiritual experiences or special graces: Those to whom more is given, more will be expected – meaning, grace is shoring us up for what is down the road. I was always skeptical of special graces because the generosity they elicit seems to gear us up for some trial ahead. Special graces make us fearless and reckless in giving all and doing all. … [click on title to read and view more]

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