Happiness, activism and the gut

Happiness can coexist with despair. It really can. We need to stop having such narrow view of what happiness is. Being human is a rough ride ~ when we embrace the despair the happiness is a byproduct… The capitalistic marketing of happiness works like this: make everyone who feels anything other than happy believe that… Continue Reading →

Being human…

What does it mean to embrace our humanity? It means to accept all and reject none. It means that even in the midst of messy, ugly, complicated life that you embrace all of it as part of you. Does a tree reject its gnarly root? …

Waking After a Lifetime: Ingrid’s Voice

This bodymind named Ingrid has so much to say…and what seeks expression is not just for the sake of my own healing, but to serve as a beacon for anyone on a similar path, who needs to know they are not alone. Mine is a path of emerging from profound trauma, adversity, and lack, and of living in the world as highly sensitive, gifted, neurodiverse, and spiritually awakening. We are the people who so often find ourselves in the offices of professional helpers…and I will write for them, too, as it is imperative that those who would presume to walk with us, understand what actually helps…and be willing to challenge that which does not…even though this will take them straight into the heart of their own pain….

Adventures in attempting re-entry

But then again, I contain multitudes…

Anyway…this is what the post is really about:

Adventures in attempting re-entry — Wow.

Bipolar: contemplation about the psych label

I am life. I am psychedelic. I am kaleidoscopic. I am conscious. I am aware. I am silence. I am chaos.  The term bipolar *disorder* attempts to diminish. Two poles? In a world of endless spectrums all interlacing into oneness? What nonsense. The term bipolar is attached to people like me. We frighten those “treating” us. We are sensitive, open, people in need of shamanic-like guidance.

Rest in peace my dear friend and comrade in madness…Ian Scheffel (formerly Bill Scheffel)

We have no memory of being in the womb or emerging from the birth canal. Dreams are quickly forgotten if remembered at all. We experience emotions but may not always know why. The most fundamental dimensions of our experience cannot be found in any solid way, quantified, or even seen. How can we understand spiritual emergencies and other spiritually transformative events if, as R.D. Laing wrote, “We can see other people’s behavior but not their experience?” …

Mindfulness / Meditation, Complex Trauma: Rewards and Risks

What media hype and those selling mindfulness don’t tell you is that mindfulness is a process that can radically transform you, and it’s not always safe, nor is it easy or straightforward. We make it safer by being aware of the risks and learning to listen to our own bodies about when it is or isn’t okay for us. No one else actually knows.

Emotional “dysregulation” is plasticity

while the healing process may sometimes be radical and even violent as well as time consuming, ultimately when we’ve healed, we’ve also transformed in profound ways. Indeed, this is becoming my experience. …

Suicidal thoughts are treated like a crime: that’s why people don’t seek help.

“Exactly. My sister told her GP she felt suicidal. The police took her away in hand cuffs.” so REALLY?? they tell us to be sure to ask for help. What do we do when there is no help available? Until we are, as a society, willing to answer that question people will continue to die without being offered a chance to share and thus process their pain.  …

Smoke and Flames: Silence In A World On Fire – By Will Hall

A corrupt world is built brick by brick by individual acts of shame and silence. Can we break the silence that protects misconduct even while it means being exposed ourselves? Psychiatry and the mental health system are failing, but they are also just sets of human relationships, relationships we are also part of. …

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