The voices are real

The voices are real. This post includes a collection of links to articles from Beyond Meds that deal explicitly with the experience of voice hearers. It also includes a documentary from the Hearing Voices Congress

Ending Support for John Herold as a Hearing Voices Movement Facilitator, Teacher, or Leader

By Will Hall and Kate Hill March 16, 2021

We are writing to formally and publicly declare the withdrawal of our support for John Herold as a facilitator, trainer, speaker or leader of any kind in the Hearing Voices Movement. We request that John step down from this role, including his involvement in Puget Sound Hearing Voices and Pacific Rim Hearing Voices, for the safety of the network, of his groups and of the individuals involved. We also ask the Hearing Voices Movement, Hearing Voices Network USA, INTERVOICE, and all organizations and groups to end any listings and referrals and end any financial, logistical, promotional, or other support for Herold in these roles.

Everything matters: Beyond Meds ~ navigation menus etc.

The URL everyone knows and loves is back. Here is an updated navigation menu for saving and/or sharing. Navigating close to 6,000 posts gets complicated! 

Embracing our madness: the way forward

Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life……

Speaking Out About Research Misconduct: Live and Learn Inc. and Open Excellence/Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care

by Will Hall, Monica Cassani, and Dina Tyler

In the world of innovations in how we treat survivors of psychiatric crisis, Live and Learn Inc and Open Excellence/Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care do valuable work. Live And Learn is a research company owned by Laysha Ostrow that collects and analyzes data on the viability of alternative mental health treatments, and Open Excellence/FEMHC is a philanthropy started by patients’ family members that channels funding into promising projects. They’re colleagues with us in the broader “critical psychiatry” movement ((Will was one of the original founding board members of Open Excellence/FEMHC) and we’ve all known each other for many years. At the same time, after collaborating with Live and Learn and Open Excellence/FEMHC on a past project, we are left very concerned by apparent ethical irregularities, including possibly crossing the line into research misconduct and plagiarism.

Trauma patterning and raving loonies

“I’d much rather be with a raving loony who was directly confronting their bullshit than someone who spends all their energy repressing it. The cloaking thing always strikes a tinny note that would register as jarring and discordant to anyone able to “hear” it.” -Jed McKenna …..

Beyond withdrawal…

I see in retrospect that some core, vital part of me was always there during the drugged years, learning and remembering much that would help me in these years of coming off meds and now being med free. I no longer believe that I “lost” my life to drugs. This is, as Mary Oliver, puts it, my “one wild and precious life.”

Healing psychosis: stories, information and resources

This post may be cut and pasted in it’s entirety and shared without further permission.  Stories of healing and transformation Below this updated section remains the list of recovery stories and resources for that which is labeled psychotic. See also: Drug free recovery from depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc… The below statements started out as a brief thought… Continue Reading →


Sorry, this had a much more extensive collection for a time. Most of the listed books were presented with a photo of the cover. They have all disappeared. I will try to get back to this as I’m able. In the meantime there remains a highly abbreviated collection of books below. Thank you.   This… Continue Reading →

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