Chanting mantra break…

Time to relax, meditate and generally chill-out. Enjoy.

Listening to and making meditative music and sounds has been an important part of my healing journey… [click on title for the rest of the post]

My life-bound friend…

Really love this. You can download it from soundcloud and there is a whole playlist from the artist here. … [click on title to read and view more]

Saturday Mellow on Sunday

Florida State University women acapella group are seriously talented. Enjoy! … [click on title for the rest of the post]

keep trying

Saturday Mellow: Album : Out Here in There Artists: Sidsel Endresen & Bugge Wesseltoft Track: Try The lyrics: Keep on looking you keep on searching you keep on moving and you get a little further you keep on trusting you keep on hoping you keep on facing your faith just to keep on growing just… Continue Reading →

We need nature, but we’ve forgotten (a short film for Saturday Mellow)

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Bonfire Madigan Shive, singing and playing the anima and animus

A Saturday Mellow post…that’s rather intense. Enjoy. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Saturday Mellow: Amazing Grace with Overtone Chant *WOW*

Nestor Kornblum sings the melody of Amazing Grace using only the overtones (harmonics) in his voice. There are NO musical instruments or electronic effects involved. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

What I’m doing here

Saturday Mellow Here, Rachael Price of Lake Street Dive records lead vocals on her original song “What I’m Doing Here”.

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