When the body says no

Only an intellectual Luddite would deny the enormous benefits that have accrued to humankind from the scrupulous application of scientific methods. But not all essential information can be confirmed in the laboratory or by modern statistical analysis. Not all aspects of illness can be reduced to facts verified by double-blind studies and by the strictest scientific techniques. “Medicine tells us as much about the meaningful performance of healing, suffering, and dying as chemical analysis tells us about the aesthetic value of pottery,” Ivan Ilyich wrote in Limits to Medicine. We confine ourselves to a narrow realm indeed if we exclude from accepted knowledge the contributions of human experience and insight. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

What is Love? What is Trust?

Jack Kornfield and Brother David Steindl-Rast are two of my favorite men in the world (along with Gabor Mate). Love seeing them together here. At the Greater Good Gratitude Summit, the renowned authors and religious teachers define love and trust, and explore the relationship between these two critical concepts … [click on title to read and view more]

Ask, not why the addiction, but why the pain?

I've not come across anyone else who more elegantly speaks to the pain and trauma of humanity than Gabor Maté. He clearly explains how that which gets labled mental illness, addiction and most chronic physical illness is in large part the result of childhood loss and trauma. Another voice that touches on some of these themes is Marion Woodman. She points out our addiction to stuff is killing us. We need to own our inner addicts. All of us. Together these two weave an important social commentary as well as raising a public health emergency that needs tending to. I've not come across anyone else who more elegantly speaks to the pain and trauma of humanity than Gabor Maté. He clearly explains how that which gets labled mental illness, addiction and most chronic physical illness is in large part the result of childhood loss and trauma. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Our addiction to stuff is killing us. We need to own our inner addicts. All of us.

I've often talked about how addiction plagues all of us in some form or another whether or not we exhibit the overtly self-destructive habits of some of the folks who actually get labeled as addicts. Of course the tamer versions that affect the masses are also very destructive. We all destroy the environment and our own spiritual inheritance with our voracious appetites for more...always more. ... [click on title to read more]

Breaking Through A Toxic Environment

All my work has been around understanding why human dysfunction happens. Not looking at causes - not at people’s pre-dispositions or genetic inheritance - but what actually happens in people’s lives. We know now that the determinants of health - whether we’re talking physical health, emotional – has a lot to do with people’s life experiences. But people’s lives don’t happen in a vacuum. It occurs in the context of society. … [click on title to read the rest]

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