Becoming our truest selves with one another

*** The body needs to speak too. Suppressing physical symptoms by any means possible can be the equivalent of screaming STFU to your being. *** Somatic Wisdom Technique Part 1 Somatic Wisdom Technique Part 2 Healing somatic meditation (welcoming prayer) Trauma, Fixation and Reactivity – (Somatic Experience) Body-Centered Inquiry Inhabiting our bodies in meditation Yoga for trauma: reclaiming your body ***... Continue Reading →

Dissociation- On finding the way home

By Jon Keyes - Finding peace with the body can be a long journey. Those that are working on finding a way home often explore changing their diet and working with modalities such as yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, herbs, EMDR and EFT. These are ways of building strength and resiliency, of rebuilding the foundation from the ground up, of integrating and processing the deepest levels of sorrow but also transcending these places of fear and shame to come out again, to breathe and shine, to remember their underlying wholeness and holiness that underlies all nature, that can never be breached, that can never be taken away. Sometimes we must go away to protect ourselves. But when the time is right, the path home is available to us all. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Somatic Wisdom Technique 2, by John Keys

In this second part of using the Somatic Wisdom Technique, I’ll ask you to return to that place of discomfort to find out how to transform that area of distress.  Start with picking an area of the body that you found to be the most “charged” or in need of greater attention and care.  Then begin by sitting comfortable in an upright posture.  For some that may mean sitting in a meditative posture with legs crossed.  For others that may mean simply sitting in a comfortable chair. 

Healing somatic meditation

Healing for me, among other things, involves somatic release and processing 24/7. It requires a complete surrender to something intelligent that moves through me but is not me. I call it life-force. I recognize it in every living thing. It manifests in infinitely diverse ways following it's own natural law which defies intellectual understanding. I watch in awe. …

‎”When you put the psyche in motion it heals itself.” (embodiment)

Moving in many different ways has become and will remain a foundational aspect of becoming well for me. I do yoga, I walk, I dance, I garden and I mindfully am present with the movements of my body when I do just about everything. Even when I do the dishes or any other household chores. Becoming conscious of our incredibly lovely animal bodies can be a deep and profound joy. The wonderful thing about this is doing something like mowing the lawn ceases to be a chore. It becomes time to be with your lovely body. … [click on title for the rest of the post

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