Joey Marino, actor dies: Tardive Dyskinesia

Joey Marino died recently. I have tardive dyskinesia too. People do not understand how serious it is. Life is nightmarish and we plug along doing the best we can. No one wants to know ugly so we try to dwell on other things when we are with people....because everyone disappears around serious illness. Especially when it's not legitimized in ways like cancer or some other diseases are.

Tardive Dyskinesia

This page houses a collection of articles about tardive dyskinesia. The link can always be found in the menus at the top of the site. Most of the below articles are also about Lyme disease and multiple systemic chronic infections as well. I learned to understand TD in light of treating the Lyme disease and... Continue Reading →

A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and Dyskinesia

And now on youtube too. A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and dyskinesia:

SSRI antidepressants cause bacteria resistance

there is so much supporting evidence about what I'm saying about tardive dyskinesia, psych meds and systemic infections..... this is the latest... in Nature magazine: How SSRI antidepressants help bacteria resist antibiotics!! if you don't know what I'm taking about see: Tardive Dyskinesia, Chronic Lyme Disease, and Infection – Mad In America  Here are my... Continue Reading →

Tardive dyskinesia is an infection

It turns out dyskinesia is a recognized symptom of Bartonella, a Lyme disease co-infection. I was right. Tardive Dyskinesia, too, is an infection. I'm pretty sure it always is and not just in my case and I'm collecting studies to go about establishing enough evidence that the medical establishment will stop telling victims of psychiatric drugging that there is no hope. ...

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