Trauma release in an internet age

Part of the success of this website has been my willingness (and need) to speak things that many of my readers were thinking but not yet saying. As I've gotten deeper into my trauma release and healing I've backed away from this site in many regards and ventured into dark areas of the psyche which even many people who had followed me for a long time no longer wanted to partake in. I've continued to post difficult material much of which continues to be trauma release, both for myself and for those who also, like me have wandered far into the abyss, by necessity, for their healing. Most of the people I've had the privilege of helping on this site have a radically different history than I've had. This is rarely acknowledged or understood. Most of the people with histories like mine are totally and completely swallowed by psychiatry and lost forever. I don't actually know anyone like me who has made it as far as I have off the drugs etc. It's a tragedy that hurts me. And so...this site, in part, is trauma release in the internet age.

Trauma and your body

Trauma that is held in the body over time freezes...the healing process requires can be painful...physically and emotionally. (it's also well worth the trouble!) … [click on title for the rest of the post]

‎”When you put the psyche in motion it heals itself.” (embodiment)

Moving in many different ways has become and will remain a foundational aspect of becoming well for me. I do yoga, I walk, I dance, I garden and I mindfully am present with the movements of my body when I do just about everything. Even when I do the dishes or any other household chores. Becoming conscious of our incredibly lovely animal bodies can be a deep and profound joy. The wonderful thing about this is doing something like mowing the lawn ceases to be a chore. It becomes time to be with your lovely body. … [click on title for the rest of the post

No matter how much we might neglect or mistreat it, our body calls us back

No matter how much we might neglect or mistreat it, our body calls us back — through its aches and pains and imbalances — to take real care of it, to integrate it with the rest of our being, to honor and love it, and to recognize it not as something that we are "in" but rather as an inherently sacred expression of who and what we truly are. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

‎”When you put the psyche in motion it heals itself.” (embodiment)

We need to free our bodies and mind!! There is no separation.

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