Psychiatrists raking it in

From the New York Times: WASHINGTON, June 26 — As states begin to require that drug companies disclose their payments to doctors for lectures and other services, a pattern has emerged: psychiatrists earn more money from drug makers than doctors in any other specialty. Read the whole article here.

The continuing series on my mental health providers

Yesterday I saw my psychotherapist. I had a lot to share--heavy stuff that had just come up for me the last few days. Memories of things I felt shame and pain about. The day before they had weighed me down and made me feel quite miserable. Yesterday, instead, I was filled with high energy and... Continue Reading →

Flower essences used for mental health

The mere suggestion that flower essences could be powerful enough to help with serious mental disturbances would have made me laugh in the face of anyone suggesting such a thing just a year ago. I've found since then that many people use them quite successfully for everything from mild anxiety to angry, psychotic states. I've... Continue Reading →

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