Humor and laughter for a better life

This isn't about positive thinking. It's about how one deals with life in a much more general sense. Positive thinking is something I do not uncritically embrace. But learning how to approach life so that one feels better more often is a good thing. Embracing the whole spectrum of emotion is actually involved in this as far as I'm concerned. On another related note it has been said that laughter is the best medicine and I believe it. I have often noticed that laughter truly takes me away and alters my consciousness for the better. I also purposely watch a as many comedies, both sit coms and movies, for exactly this reason. I try to laugh as often as possible. I put EFFORT into finding ways to laugh and it’s part of my healing protocol. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

many ways to live a good life

There are as many ways to live a good life as there are human beings...being healthy is simply about learning the necessary habits for our unique selves...and that is also going to be our unique challenge...I like to see it as the adventure called life. It necessarily dovetails with becoming aligned with the whole of life. This is how we find our place in the cosmos. If we listen and pay attention we find life is living us...we need only become aware...

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