Be aware that you are a link in the chain of being

You live in contraction, thinking of yourself as an individual. Where do the terms "me" and "mine" find meaning? When you really look into yourself you cannot say the body belongs to you... You are what you absorb. You eat vegetables, fish.. and these are dependent on light, the sun, warmth. The light is related to the moon... and the stars are all related. There is nothing personal in us. The body is in organic relationship with the Universe. ... … [click on title to read and view more]

Asheville Community Yoga: my partners in healing

I'm sharing info about this yoga studio for multiple reasons really. I'm happy and honored to raise their profile on the internet so as to help support them. They are truly in service to the community and so I too want to give back. Also, it would be lovely to see such studios opening up all over the country and the world. I hope that this post might plant seeds so that this sort of vision can be replicated elsewhere. So many yoga studios don't seem to have the true spirit of yoga. Yoga has become a part of popular and hip culture, so that in some circles the yoga as lifestyle and philosophy gets lost. We need more yoga studios that are, as this one is, deeply in service to the community. Number two is that the folks in the video talking about how yoga and the community there at Asheville Community Yoga are real people talking about their real experiences. I, too, have found that being part of that particular community and practicing yoga regularly, both, has radically helped support my healing process. Three, I want to again, talk about how yoga has helped me in my life, in general. It literally raised me from my bed, where I had been bedridden for 2 years. My muscles were completely atrophied. I started with leg and arm lifts and turning my feet and hands in circles. Serious baby steps. And now I can do all sorts of stuff. … [click on title to read and view more]

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