Trauma, subpersonalities, the lie and constant change (parts)

Healing, more than anything, becomes an exercise in learning to trust oneself. This is especially important when there are people about who want to force us to do things that are counterproductive to healing. Unfortunately the medical and psychological establishments perpetuates many such treatments. My village has been patch-worked together from all over the world. I'm profoundly grateful for the internet given I would not have healed otherwise.

This is true-nature: whole, present, interconnected: every human is the experience of true nature all the time

By Jen Peer Rich -- True-nature is overdue for normalization. Self-awareness and living a conscious life is often reserved for gurus, teachers and "spiritually enlightened" folks. In our Western culture, it is the norm to put people who wake up to true-nature on a kind of a psychological and spiritual pedestal. This approach is flawed because it maintains an illusory hierarchy of consciousness, an exclusively human mind-trick. We tend to make simple things mysterious. This is exactly what keeps true-nature such a carrot-stick mystery for many.

Are We Humans Terminally Insane or Just Waking Up?

by Paul Levy - How does anyone possibly express in words the state of collective madness that humanity has fallen into at this time in our history? As if in a hypnotic trance, our species is enacting a mass ritual suicide on a global scale, rushing as fast as we can towards our own self-destruction. We are destroying the biospheric life-support systems of the planet in so many different ways that it is as if we are determined to make this suicide attempt work—using a variety of methods as a perverse insurance policy, in case a couple of them don’t do the job. What modern-day humanity is confronted with, to quote the author and Trappist monk Thomas Merton, is “a crisis of sanity first of all.” ...

Courageously move forward (contemplations on healing)

Courageously move forward and into every feeling you ever were unable to feel due to oppressive circumstances. Feel them, let go and be free. Our nervous systems have recorded each and every instance of repression and denial. We have a store of tension from our ancestors as well. This store of repressed emotions, denial, violence etc is stored in our DNA. It is our "karma" be transmuted in this lifetime. ...

Relationships heal. Spirit Reins – where traumatized kids meet horses.

There are as many ways to heal as there are human beings. Spirit Reins works with children and families who have experienced trauma to make sure they have the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential and contribute to their community. - This is a beautiful and touching short film. Included is also more links to information on trauma and how it pertains to that which gets labeled mental illness.

Psychiatric drug withdrawal: preparation for before you begin

It’s become clear to me that whenever it’s possible that it’s helpful for folks who’ve not begun withdrawal and have the time to consider a carefully thought out plan to attempt to bring greater well-being to your body/mind/spirit before starting the withdrawal. I did not know to do that, but in retrospect had I known what a profoundly healthy and clean diet and healing lifestyle could do, I would have worked towards those things first. ...

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