Survey on Antipsychotic Medication Withdrawal – Please Take And Share

I'm very excited to announce the launch of a survey with Maastricht University on antipsychotic medication withdrawal. I'm working with Dr. Jim van Os, Dr. John Read, and Dr. Sandra Escher on this international survey, just released in English with translations to additional languages coming soon. - Will Hall

Bipolar: contemplation about the psych label

I am life. I am psychedelic. I am kaleidoscopic. I am conscious. I am aware. I am silence. I am chaos.  The term bipolar *disorder* attempts to diminish. Two poles? In a world of endless spectrums all interlacing into oneness? What nonsense. The term bipolar is attached to people like me. We frighten those "treating" us. We are sensitive, open, people in need of shamanic-like guidance.

Marketing happiness

We can hold the horror and the wonder of life at's a more mature and complex stance than simple happiness. It's sober and holds wondrousness and beauty right alongside heinousness and pain. ...

Hell, for sure, and as lucid as can be

Secondary to the brain injury in December I've now had raging hyperthyroid for months. It's clear that psychosis isn't something this body/mind does easily anymore since I do not sleep anymore than 2 hours a night and often less. The level of taxation on the body is through the roof. I'm in hell, for sure, and as lucid as can be. Sleeplessness is used as torture for good reason.

healing inside….

By Jen Peer Rich -- I am an unrepeatable meal. As I am healing inside through self-inquiry, the more I appreciate the magic and mystery of being a unique being. My spiritual journey is my own, no one can come with me inside here. ...

Musings on identity and self…

I often say about the voice I use in my work that I'm speaking as an empowered patient (rather than the professional I also am), but the fact is I'm speaking as a vulnerable human being -- that which every seven billion of us are if we allow ourselves to be honest. We must rid our imaginations of artificial hierarchies. ...

Retaining agency is not resistance to treatment…it is in fact a sign of health

The catch - 22 I thought about the other day: The mental health system tells clients/patients/consumers that they need better boundaries while expecting them to ignore their boundaries.

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