Somatic imperative: collection

NEW POST — I coined the term “somatic imperative” a while back as my journey seems locked in by what my body needs. In surrender I watch and learn as my body does what it knows. The animal wisdom, seemingly divine in nature takes over and knows the nature of things. These injuries this body has had to heal are mindblowingly complex. They are interwoven into the body and clearly show that the body and mind are one. I had no choice by to listen to and respond to my body in meditation so that I might heal. Try as I might, no one in medicine or anywhere else had answers. I had become my own doctor and scientist. I researched continually and started to put both my experience and that which I learned in reading together.

Biofilm and such. Chronic illness 101

Biofilms are there to protect the body as much as anything…encapsulated bad stuff acumulated throughout a lifetime.

Environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals are used by the micro-organisms to hang together. The resulting stuff becomes more and more difficult to treat.

Somatic living is life itself speaking to us

Somatic living is life itself speaking to us

Dissociation is more frequently an issue then recognized. Projection (something pretty much everyone does) is a form of dissociation. Disembodiment is the norm. People avoid embodiment because the process can be physically painful… sometimes so acute it’s permanently avoided

Speaking to “normals” about our hypersensitivity

Through the years, as a means to survive, I’ve sculpted my social-media so that I don’t have to listen to a lot of otherwise very offensive stuff about the experience of those of us with extreme sensitivities,  and iatrogenic and chronic illness. Still, because I care about some of the folks who continue to say insensitive, ignorant things about us, I do encounter it from time to time. In fact we cannot hide from the ignorance in the world about our experience and still live in the world and so I’m entering a phase of healing and learning that is helping me re-enter the world. That means facing such insults daily. …

Our bodies are mirrors of our minds and psyches, our culture and our communities

~~We all have genius within us. Many never access it. Genius, because of our social conditioning, is almost always frustrated and ahead of its time.~~

Western medicine with it’s penchant for suppression is a real political force. In suppressing the body’s cries we are also denying the psyche. …

Traumatic brain injury/psych drug brain injury (protracted withdrawal) — very similar apparently

I came across an article that’s very extensive and actually quite helpful in terms of tips  and validation about the vast myriad of possible manifestations of injury after an insult to the brain.  It’s written about  the more conventional  traumatic brain injury, you know, car accidents and violent blows to the head.  You will see that  our pharmaceutical brain injuries  are very similar in terms of “symptoms” and I think sometimes we have additional really horrible  strange somatic stuff that defies articulation …

Oliver Sacks helps me explain hypersensitivity

Humans can discriminate between similar odors and detect many substances, sometimes more than rodents and dogs. — The Myth That Humans Have Poor Smell Is Nonscents – The Atlantic — We can also know which herbs will heal us and when it’s appropriate to take them (a delightful thing I’ve learned as an amateur herbalist as I heal my brain) we are insanely out of touch with our animal selves. We have instinct and intuition like all animals…we can relearn and remember these skills…

Emotional “dysregulation” is plasticity

while the healing process may sometimes be radical and even violent as well as time consuming, ultimately when we’ve healed, we’ve also transformed in profound ways. Indeed, this is becoming my experience. …

Healing plants: mineral rich herbs for nourishment etc

Healing plants: mineral rich herbs for nourishment etc — My primary relationships right now are with the plants that are healing me. It’s an all encompassing love affair.

Healing the second pharmaceutical brain injury… some details

The below are some of the things that helped me this time around and during a short period of time. Everything is always changing for me. Healing is a dynamic thing…it is by nature constant change. What I share is a tiny bit during a very tiny window of a much longer journey. Everyone is different. I share not so that what I’ve done might be copied but so that the energy of how I find what is appropriate for me might be gleaned. We are all different. Healing looks different for everyone. 

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