Combat Arts for Recovery — please vote

Wellness Wordworks and Missouri-Illinois Olympians have created a program called Combat Arts for Recovery. We are one of 12 finalists for around 55 entries to the Team USA grants competition. We can earn $12,000 to promote combat sports for mental health issues. You can vote here. Vote once per day per email address.

Fibromyalgia and bipolar — what’s the link? the drugs

Fibromyalgia and bipolar are often associated with one another and it's undeniable that people with both diagnosis are common. What is not being looked at is the fact that many people develop fibromyalgia symptoms (chronic pain) as a result of psychotropic drug use and where I see it most often is among people who've made the connection in withdrawal groups online. It most often CLEARS up after one is free and clean from the drugs for some time.

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