The eugenic history of psychiatry is in our bodies

Part of what those of us injured by psychiatry are dealing with is the cellular knowledge that this history is in our very nervous systems via psychiatric institution, it’s proponents and the drugs used to suppress our beautiful sensitive human natures. We are not insane — we are however subject to the bullshit that has been perpetrated against us. Yes the body keeps score. If and when we allow the consciousness of these crimes against humanity to arise out of our bodies we can become a force to be reckoned with. May we all become conscious of what is happening all over the planet and within us. ...

Mindfulness / Meditation, Complex Trauma: Rewards and Risks

What media hype and those selling mindfulness don’t tell you is that mindfulness is a process that can radically transform you, and it’s not always safe, nor is it easy or straightforward. We make it safer by being aware of the risks and learning to listen to our own bodies about when it is or isn’t okay for us. No one else actually knows.

almost a year since almost dying. what is up?

I’m approaching the one year anniversary date of the second brain injury that almost killed me. I entered the ICU on December 25th of last year. I was unconscious for several days and then when I woke up I had lost virtually all my memory. Conveniently and fortunately I remembered Paul, my partner, but so confused, I also thought he was one of the MDs in the hospital. So, yeah, it’s been a long haul to where I am now. ...

Let’s go crazy…

I never gave up on the good that was emerging in all that confusion that was labeled and pathologized by psychiatry. I was trying to emerge from the ugly conditioned toxicity of our society. And yeah, that's hard work, especially for traumatized sensitives which, if we've been labeled, drugged and institutionalized by psychiatry, we likely are. Crazy is a necessity if one is to become free. We need to provide safe places for folks to move through it. It is not what psychiatry tells us it is. Not at all. ...

Ecstatic dance today!

dancing madly this morning...the above is my garb -- essentially barefoot in my pajamas with headphones attached to my head with a headband ... I'm listening to the brilliant dj-ing of Robert Kochka Jr danced this first at an Asheville Movement Collective Wave more than a year ago-- find his waves on soundcloud... was gonna share the one I... Continue Reading →

no longer on twitter…the tweets keep coming…

I've been weaning off social media for some years. I've now been completely off twitter and facebook for a month. Twitter for 2 months actually. Twitter was always my very favorite. I did a video about it some years ago because it was such a positively transformative experience for me. That said, all things change... Continue Reading →

Some words written to someone in protracted psychiatric drug withdrawal…

I've added a "protracted withdrawal" link to the drop-down menus above. I wanted to call attention to it and so I'm also sharing a bit of correspondence I recently had with an injured comrade with protracted withdrawal syndrome below. ...

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