For therapists and others interested in therapies for PTSD

A good friend of mine who is also a healer himself, works for Steve Andreas, the man in the video, so I'm assured this is a very effective method, though I'm not familiar with it by personal experience. Below is a small sample of the nearly 9 hours of video where Steve Andreas worked with an Iraq Vet to resolve complex PTSD symptoms using effective methods from NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). This video program is designed for therapists, coaches, and other agents of change who want to more effectively help people to overcome terrifying past experiences. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

What If He Cries?

By Rick Belden Each man is different, and will have different needs in different situations. He may, for example, have easier access to expressing his deeper emotions in response to the death of a beloved pet than he does in response to memories of being damaged and traumatized as a child. Women can use their intuition and their own felt sense, as well as their knowledge of the man and his history, to guide their actions in each case.… [click on title for the rest of the post]

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