Stories rarely told: Listening, suppression and narrative burden

Active listening is not always silent. But it is attuned to the realities that our roles and needs in dialogue are not equal. Active listening acknowledges that one participant's experience or imput is secondary at least for the time being, but sometimes forever. This is especially true when listening to a member of a group whose narratives have marginalized, suppressed, disenfranchised. If you see your own story mirrored accurately everywhere - and someone is telling you a story that differs from the dominant narrative... In order to actively listen, you must remain conscious of this discrepancy. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: Bert Karon on Madness Radio

Is schizophrenia really an “incurable illness” — or a state of chronic terror? Are there ways for psychotherapy to reach people in different realities? And does Freudian psychoanalysis offer a humane and empowering approach? Bert Karon, psychoanalyst since 1955, co-author of the classic textbook Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia, and Professor of Clinical Psychology at Michigan State University, outlines psychoanalysis and discusses how his talking cure helps people diagnosed psychotic and schizophrenic. … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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