The histamine intolerance link and how this paleo girl went vegetarian — and back again — dysregulation demands it

People keep asking me for updates on how the low histamine diet is going. I wrote about histamine intolerance and my discovery on how it was affecting my health and wellbeing at the beginning of January. As I predicted it resonated with many folks in the withdrawal community and many of them want to hear more. It's still impossible to tell how many people may be affected by this particular factor. ... [click on title to read the rest]

To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe (Joanna Macy)

Bits and pieces from Joanna Macy's work: To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe – to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it – is a wonder beyond words. Gratitude for the gift of life is the primary wellspring of all religions, the hallmark of the mystic, the source of all true art. Furthermore, it is a privilege to be alive in this time when we can choose to take part in the self-healing of our world … [click on title to read the rest]

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