Let the light of your sensitivity shine

Madness remains an important concept in the literature of those who been psychiatrized.
People who study Jung have a very difficult time with the Red Book. They often react to the fact that Jung, within his own psyche, allowed and embraced what is often labeled psychotic in those less resourced.

Time…it marches on

More of my latest meanderings: Egalitarian “hetero” relationships don’t need to look like God/Goddess (or anima/animus) relationships. They’re not distinctively nor necessarily male and female. Both partners may embody both male and female. A man may be more archetypically female . A woman might be more male. Hetero-normative crap is crap. I see women and… Continue Reading →

With appreciation from California

I first started reading “Beyond Meds” upon rushing to NYC over a year ago. My daughter was experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder during her early experience in college there.  She was frightened, extremely anxious and the “medication trials” that she was immediately placed on made her feel zombie like and even more out of control than ever. … Continue Reading →

Embracing our madness: the way forward

Embracing our madness: the way forward … Yesterday, one of my questions was, “Is anyone not insane?”

This question and line of thought, is, of course, in keeping with Krishnamurti’s statement that is so often mentioned on this site: “It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a sick society.”

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Alan Watts – Tribute to Carl Jung

Alan and Carl: Two of my favorite contributors to our understanding of human consciousness.

The eternal child

The “eternal child” (puer/puella aeternus) in man is an indescribable experience,
an incongruity, a handicap, and a divine prerogative; an imponderable that determines the ultimate worth or worthlessness of a personality. …

Healing psychosis: stories, information and resources

This post may be cut and pasted in it’s entirety and shared without further permission.  Stories of healing and transformation Below this updated section remains the list of recovery stories and resources for that which is labeled psychotic. See also: Drug free recovery from depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc… The below statements started out as a brief thought… Continue Reading →

Beyond withdrawal…

I see in retrospect that some core, vital part of me was always there during the drugged years, learning and remembering much that would help me in these years of coming off meds and now being med free. I no longer believe that I “lost” my life to drugs. This is, as Mary Oliver, puts it, my “one wild and precious life.”

Embracing darkness and shadow that we might also be light and joy

Here’s the thing…in as much as we cannot abide the pain in others we are unawake to that pain within us…heal ourselves we heal the whole … people who studiously avoid the “negative” are missing out on their own healing…we don’t need to go look for it, but avoidance is denial. … those who need love most…are the ones we studiously avoid …the “difficult” people who’ve been hurt in ways we can’t abide…sometimes others find me to be that person…most readers of this blog perhaps have felt rejected in this way too at one time or another. 

Understanding and Working With Psychosis (Part II of II)

by Joel Schwartz, PsyD — First and foremost, if psychosis is indeed a process of growth and reorganization following an initial breakdown, then the primary task of the therapist is not to cure or prevent the psychosis in the person, but accompany them through their transition into something else.

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