The “placebo effect” is our naturally healing mind in action

We need to learn how to harness placebo.It's our inner healer at work. From Ode Magazine: In the lab, Takeo couldn't stand it anymore. The itching was driving him crazy. He watched his right arm turn red and wondered why he’d decided to take part in this experiment. He knew he was allergic to poison... Continue Reading →

Celiac disease on the rise and it’s often associated with “mental health” issues

Celiac disease among other illnesses that can be fairly easily treated without psych drugs is one physical illness that sometimes gets people diagnosed with mental illness including schizophrenia and bipolar. All sorts of mental health issues can arise from someone with Celiac who is still actively eating gluten. It's worth ruling it out if you... Continue Reading →

Laughing so hard I was crying…

Oh my god! I saw this a long time ago but had forgotten about it. I don't laugh often enough. I really couldn't stop!!

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