Add increased risk of breast cancer to the possible “adverse effects” of psych meds

Metabolic syndromes are now being associated with doubling the risk of breast cancer. Neuroleptics (the atypicals) often cause metabolic syndromes. SSRIs have more recently been implicated as well. TUESDAY, June 30 (HealthDay News) -- Women with high blood pressure, elevated glucose and other components of metabolic syndrome might be at increased risk for postmenopausal breast... Continue Reading →

Warnings of the dangers of benzodiazepines hit the media

About 2 decades too late and a good decade after the alarm bell was sounded in the UK but it's better late than never. From the Washington Post: Benzodiazepines, often prescribed to manage anxiety, panic and sleep disorders, include Xanax, Ativan, Valium and Klonopin. Originally pushed as an alternative to barbiturates, their use has grown... Continue Reading →

Return to yesterday…

The comments on the "Suicidal ideation gone" are well worth reading if you didn't get around to it. I'll try to post more in the morning.

Quote of the day

The neuronal gossip that keeps you from seeing your mind in its fullness doesn’t really change the fundamental nature of your mind. Thoughts like “I’m ugly,” “I’m stupid,” or “I’m boring” are nothing more than a kind of biological mud, temporarily obscuring the brilliant qualities of Buddha nature, or natural mind. –Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, from... Continue Reading →

Round two–waiting for my tribunal–again

Keener's continued story: Links to the first several chapters are here if you’ve missed them pick them up here: Part 1 and 2 here and part 3 here, and part 4 here, and part 5 here and part 6 here and part 7 here and part 8 here and 9 here and part 10 here.... Continue Reading →

Suicidal ideation gone…for a long time now

Something that comes up quite often in discussions with my friends and readers who have been on meds and have come off of them is how many of the "psychiatric" symptoms they were being "treated" for disappear upon discontinuation of the medications. This is widely known and experienced among those of us who have decided... Continue Reading →

It’s time to learn from frogs

This story in the New York Times speaks issues we've talked about on this blog before: Some of the first eerie signs of a potential health catastrophe came as bizarre deformities in water animals, often in their sexual organs. Frogs, salamanders and other amphibians began to sprout extra legs. In heavily polluted Lake Apopka, one... Continue Reading →

The good doctor

The doctor who led me to this point a year ago by cold-turkeying me off meds prematurely, wrote me a letter during that time. This must have been written a day or two into the cold-turkey before I started getting psychotic. This is just a small excerpt explaining to me why she took me off... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

Life is a tidal wave. If you wait for things to calm down to start swimming with the current, you might not survive the wait. Now is the time, and you are equal to the task. - Cheri Huber

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