Service…finding yourself in others

The longer we try to get attention instead of giving it, the deeper our unhappiness. It makes us desperate to be loved, when we sorely need the medicine of being loving. [click on title to read more]

Full moon (last) night…equinox on the 22nd…energy shifts underway….

It’s a shame we’re not taught to contemplate the changes our bodies/minds/spirit go through with the change of seasons. It’s been a source of some of my deepest revelations to note that I too am part of these cycles. So lovely! Not SAD (seasonal affective disorder) It makes sense to me to embrace these changes and in so doing spend time contemplating and integrating the message of the seasons and the universe within my body/mind/soul. This is how all of creation speaks to us. This is one of the ways we get the information we need so that we might individuate. [click on title to read more]

Foodie friday news roundup: allergies, the true cost of “cheap” food and sugar addictive like drugs…

"The cost of feeding U.S. youth has declined by 19% since 1960, the cost to keep them healthy has risen by almost 150%." In other words there is an "Ugly Truth Behind Cheap Food" And then: "Sugar is actually a form of addiction. It's just as hard to get rid of the urge for sweet foods as of smoking" -- When I shared this on twitter and facebook yesterday people were telling me it's been a harder habit to break then both illicit drugs, alcohol and psych drug addictions. I think that is true for many folks [click on title to read more]

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