The eugenic history of psychiatry is in our bodies

Part of what those of us injured by psychiatry are dealing with is the cellular knowledge that this history is in our very nervous systems via psychiatric institution, it’s proponents and the drugs used to suppress our beautiful sensitive human natures. We are not insane — we are however subject to the bullshit that has been perpetrated against us. Yes the body keeps score. If and when we allow the consciousness of these crimes against humanity to arise out of our bodies we can become a force to be reckoned with. May we all become conscious of what is happening all over the planet and within us. …


Sorry, this had a much more extensive collection for a time. Most of the listed books were presented with a photo of the cover. They have all disappeared. I will try to get back to this as I’m able. In the meantime there remains a highly abbreviated collection of books below. Thank you.   This… Continue Reading →

Beyond withdrawal…

I see in retrospect that some core, vital part of me was always there during the drugged years, learning and remembering much that would help me in these years of coming off meds and now being med free. I no longer believe that I “lost” my life to drugs. This is, as Mary Oliver, puts it, my “one wild and precious life.”

Body and brain are incredibly weird and fringe – astonishingly beautiful and horrifying too

As I heal my brain/body I lose the capacity to dissociate … it’s excruciatingly painful. Both physically and emotionally. …

Language of mental illness “others” people: it’s a human rights violation. Wake up.

When separation and microaggressions are legitimized and put into public policy and discourse, we become second class citizens and subhumans. This is oppression and bigotry systemically supported and then denied by almost everyone, including those most seriously affected. We come to believe these lies. …

Fight or flight? Try FIGHTING. Kickboxing scratches that itch.

Woke up to energy that was needing expression. Fighting. I turned on youtube and searched kickboxing. OMG where have you been all my life? Anyone with stifled fight or flight energy (from PTSD) would likely benefit from this at some point. I’ve been stuck in passive attention. That is over. What a most delicious RUSH…. Continue Reading →

Courageously move forward (contemplations on healing)

Courageously move forward and into every feeling you ever were unable to feel due to oppressive circumstances. Feel them, let go and be free. Our nervous systems have recorded each and every instance of repression and denial. We have a store of tension from our ancestors as well. This store of repressed emotions, denial, violence etc is stored in our DNA. It is our “karma” …to be transmuted in this lifetime. …

Trauma, subpersonalities, the lie and constant change (parts)

Healing, more than anything, becomes an exercise in learning to trust oneself. This is especially important when there are people about who want to force us to do things that are counterproductive to healing. Unfortunately the medical and psychological establishments perpetuates many such treatments. My village has been patch-worked together from all over the world. I’m profoundly grateful for the internet given I would not have healed otherwise.

Psychiatry ignores trauma says Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (The Body Keeps the Score)

Psychiatry Must Stop Ignoring Trauma, says Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Yes, please, and thank you for saying so! Of course psychiatry must not just stop ignoring trauma, it must stop retraumatizing the already traumatized. It’s clients. The very vulnerable people who seek help and end up being harmed further. Not only are hospitals and a lot of standard treatment horribly abusive the medications have been found to be further agents of trauma. It’s also true that coercion, subtle or otherwise, is the rule in psychiatric care and that the United Nations has also declared forced treatment to be a form of torture. … [click on title to read the rest]

Our bodies hold our personal mythologies

Our bodies, in perfect reflection of our psyches, hold our personal mythologies. In this way we are all unique. This is what western medicine does not get. Clinical trials can never capture this. … [click on title to read more]

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