A little bit of everything…

Coming to love our “negative” feelings is part of the deal when we’re healing. The parts we like the least must be incorporated. You’ve got to love those babies too. The problems start when we deny of those types of feelings. That’s when they get ugly. No feelings are bad. Feelings are neutral. feeling them is not acting on them. We must feel them if we hope to ever come into flow. …

History: somatic oriented therapies and Eugene Gendlin – by Will Hall

Eugene Gendlin was a student of Carl Rogers and probably the single most important influence in the development of what we now call “somatic” or body-oriented therapies (Reich of course as well as others but I’m talking about the contemporary form body oriented therapies take). As the trauma discussion gets more and more medical and… Continue Reading →

The perpetrating healer and integrating the ugly

If you want to beat yourself up when you “slip into old habits” go for it, but I suggest you learn to be kind to yourself instead. When you find that you can do that go for deeply mindful instead of beating yourself up…see what the parts of you that wanted that food or drug… Continue Reading →

Myth, metaphor and coming to awareness…

Metaphor and myth must be relied on when the nervous system cannot handle reality.This isn’t a joke it’s very serious. Trauma embeds and it’s too painful to tolerate… as we heal we start to be able to heal the excruciatingly painful psycho/spiritual dimension as embedded in the body …

The voices are real

The voices are real. This post includes a collection of links to articles from Beyond Meds that deal explicitly with the experience of voice hearers. It also includes a documentary from the Hearing Voices Congress


For additional content use the drop-down menu at the top of the page and the search box. This site documents and shares many natural methods of self-care for finding and sustaining health in body, mind and spirit. This blog also deals with wider issues in the socio/political and spiritual realms as they pertain to mental health and… Continue Reading →

S.A.D? (Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression) or might we be fighting nature?

I don’t use the term depression for my experience,  but I do find that there is a big natural shift in winter that encourages going inward and slowing down. I have found for a long time now that moving away from the pathologizing of my experience has been a healthy move for me and many of the folks I advocate for.  …

pandemic and #BlackLivesMatter News via flow of consciousness….

my body, my brain, injured to the point of death by patriarchal capitalism, is my guide as it heals and demands nothing but justice for all…


“understanding” is a problem…if one *believes* they understand they’re likely deluded…the mystery can only be understood by allowing that which cannot be understood to prevail in every moment.    #noself *** evil? I understand evil. I’ve worked on the streets among the most vulnerable my entire career. Evil is neglect. That is all evil is…. Continue Reading →

Buzzing words come

We’re all selfish human beings in training to become the lovers we are as well. The surviving animal must be “selfish.” As we come out of pure survival, the species depends on us becoming lover. Love madly, passionately, indiscriminately. Start with your own selfish self. *** let go. let go. let go. *** In surrender… Continue Reading →

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