protocols/directions, recognition of self, religious conversion vs. psychosis (collected musings)

the minute someone tells me how I should feel, think or act is when they lose me…. we’re all told how we should feel…if it’s not explicit it’s implicit…people feel wrong all the time solely because they don’t fit into socially accepted norms about how they should feel…many are pathologized and drugged because they don’t… Continue Reading →

Trauma release in an internet age

Part of the success of this website has been my willingness (and need) to speak things that many of my readers were thinking but not yet saying. As I’ve gotten deeper into my trauma release and healing I’ve backed away from this site in many regards and ventured into dark areas of the psyche which even many people who had followed me for a long time no longer wanted to partake in. I’ve continued to post difficult material much of which continues to be trauma release, both for myself and for those who also, like me have wandered far into the abyss, by necessity, for their healing. Most of the people I’ve had the privilege of helping on this site have a radically different history than I’ve had. This is rarely acknowledged or understood. Most of the people with histories like mine are totally and completely swallowed by psychiatry and lost forever. I don’t actually know anyone like me who has made it as far as I have off the drugs etc. It’s a tragedy that hurts me. And so…this site, in part, is trauma release in the internet age.

Thoughts from the road…

The last few months have been hellish and difficult. As you may have noticed I stopped posting altogether for a while. I’ve moved to a new state and am now starting a new life with my partner, Paul Woodward and our three four-leggeds. I am blessed on this planet that includes heaven and hell in… Continue Reading →

Quarantine bites

thank you to Lee Hodges, Store Manager at Lowe’s Home Improvement — from Linked In. I was so pleased to see someone who isn’t clearly in the world of mental health speaking up for folks. Lee Hodges said: I’ve seen a lot of nasty posts in regards to people making “non-essential” trips .. Do you… Continue Reading →

Critical contemplations and observations for the pandemic and beyond

( these brief comments are regarding the above image) let us all shoot for action and be patient with ourselves and others while we more frequently inhabit the other layers…compassion for ourselves and others both is more important now than ever…. *** See this article: the below comments are response to it: Corona virus and… Continue Reading →

Mindfulness / Meditation, Complex Trauma: Rewards and Risks

What media hype and those selling mindfulness don’t tell you is that mindfulness is a process that can radically transform you, and it’s not always safe, nor is it easy or straightforward. We make it safer by being aware of the risks and learning to listen to our own bodies about when it is or isn’t okay for us. No one else actually knows.

Nothing Matters

By Georgi Y. Johnson What should we do when we feel as if nothing matters? A nondual look at the power of passion and its connection with boredom and the dense psychological sense of ‘nothing’. Passion is a primal nondual quality inseparable from the ‘big bang’, or the creative impetus of the whole physical universe. This… Continue Reading →

darkness, light, marriage of opposites

Let your body guide you out of the darkness. The body is our only way into the light which holds the darkness so that we can be part of healing the whole world…trust the light so that we can trust the darkness…the willingness to embrace the whole shebang is the domain of the animal… In… Continue Reading →

Waking After a Lifetime: Ingrid’s Voice

This bodymind named Ingrid has so much to say…and what seeks expression is not just for the sake of my own healing, but to serve as a beacon for anyone on a similar path, who needs to know they are not alone. Mine is a path of emerging from profound trauma, adversity, and lack, and of living in the world as highly sensitive, gifted, neurodiverse, and spiritually awakening. We are the people who so often find ourselves in the offices of professional helpers…and I will write for them, too, as it is imperative that those who would presume to walk with us, understand what actually helps…and be willing to challenge that which does not…even though this will take them straight into the heart of their own pain….

Everything matters: Beyond Meds ~ navigation menus etc.

The URL everyone knows and loves is back. Here is an updated navigation menu for saving and/or sharing. Navigating close to 6,000 posts gets complicated! 

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