healing is living ritual

photo depicts healing as living ritual as what I've called "environmental yoga" is being performed. Yoga. Right here, right now. Who needs a mat? in confidence there is no need for superiority *** healing is living ritual...one must enter another world and listen to that which has been largely forgotten. ...

Ego anonymous: a practice

Ego anonymous: a practice -- I think of my "path" in many different ways. This is something I rewrote to work for me. The 12 step program didn't work out for me, but not because of the actual 12 steps which I found deeply inspiring. Unfortunately the people couldn't deal with what I was up against. Just like most of society. In the world of 12 steps as a young woman I was "the constituionally incapable." You know the people that even those in the 12 steps label as hopeless. Ha!

** genetic geniuses everyone of us**

The body electric… genetic geniuses every one of us …we need only pay attention…“There is a wealth of information built into us … tucked away in the genetic material in every one of our cells … without some means of access, there is no way even to begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there.” – Alexander Shulgin “If the door of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to a man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake

Healing is here

Healing is here. It's a misconception that healing is ever over. If your body is wounded in certain ways physical debilitation can take a long time or not disappear at all. Having been in surrender for a long time i have been living in healing and thus, health. The world is unkind to those they don't understand and those who live with illness especially. It frightens those who cannot sit with their own frailty. It's bigotry and it fuels our eugenically oriented society. Surrendering is health. It can look any which way from the outside. Judgement blinds us. ...

Diagnosis and such…

This is how I deal with the mystery of my body these days... Part of learning to listen to the body has depended on my employing the witness position of my own experience. That's meant that not believing I know anything has been my modus operandi.

A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and Dyskinesia

And now on youtube too. A conversation with Will and Monica, Lyme and dyskinesia:

Gluten, dairy etc: Adding food back after elimination diets

I was on elimination diets for a long time and needed to be in order to quiet down the chaos in my body. I now know more than when I started and hope that the general method of learning to listen is helpful to others since I know the details will be different for everyone. Recently I went through a stint of eating lots of gluten and cheese as I add many different foods I avoided for many years back into my diet. I jokingly call it "retoxification." ...

herbalism/dietary tip: learning to listen to the body

Learning about how to listen to the body takes time. Small things we can start paying attention to help. *** It's best when we can taste our medicine which is one fundamentally critical difference from pharma. Herbs and food have taste that prepare the body for what is coming. And as we pay attention over... Continue Reading →

Getting healthy means coming to balance (Lyme too)

update: I did test positive for lyme and several co-infections in 2020 I had multiple infections that responded to Lyme disease treatment. I never tested positive for Lyme and gave up on doctors after that. Healing (for me) didn't mean killing off all micro-organisms. It meant bringing balance by moving out excess of the ones... Continue Reading →

The hungry ghosts know. Listen.

Somatic mysticism, diet and returning to my ancestry.... I like using “somatic mysticism” to explain my experience because I feel everything deeply in my body. I can feel my cells doing their work quite often and I feel all manner of metabolic movement and I feel far more than I can even begin to really... Continue Reading →

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