Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs – video and info with Will Hall

How can anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and other drugs be used wisely? What are the risks and benefits? How can we collaborate effectively with prescribers, and what about reducing and discontinuing medications? Come learn a pragmatic harm reduction approach that is neither pro- nor anti- medication, but instead based in mental diversity. Everyone is welcome: professionals, survivors, students, family, and anyone taking or not taking medications.

A little vignette (contains SPOILER about the film SIDE-EFFECTS)

I went to the movies yesterday. It was the first time I was able to contemplate, let alone actually go, to the movies in over 5 years. I've not been able to sit up for 2 hours straight until relatively recently and certainly couldn't deal the chaos, noise and people. That sort of stimulation has... Continue Reading →

Fresh turmeric and fresh ginger (roots for your health) – anti-inflammatory #foodie friday

I use fresh ginger all the time in many foods. Fresh turmeric, on the other had I just found recently at the local Asian market. I've had to stop taking most of my supplements since I discovered the histamine issue. Supplements seem to bother and raise my histamine levels. Not sure if it's the fillers... Continue Reading →

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