Autonomic nervous system dysfunction, protracted psych drug withdrawal, CFS, Fibromyalgia and why I still limit engagement on the internet

I introduce the work of Dan Neuffer in another post. He's done a brilliant job documenting and explaining how the autonomic nervous system appears to be of foundational concern for CFS, ME and fibromyalgia. I made the link that it's clear that protracted psychiatric withdrawal syndromes, too, also fall into his theory very neatly. It's worth reading the initial post and viewing Dan's videos that are in that post. His book is excellent too and anyone wanting a deeper understanding of the issues should read it. I've not seen anyone else pull together so many of the issues I think about and talk about on this blog in one dynamic whole. What a joy to find it. He understands deeply how everything matters. This holistic understanding of our natures and particularly this illness, is the cornerstone to how I'm healing. I share my healing story in the article on Mad in America here: Everything Matters: a Memoir From Before, During and After Psychiatric Drugs … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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