Autonomic nervous system dysfunction: Protracted psych drug withdrawal, chronic illness, CFS, Fibromyalgia etc

I have for a long time realized that protracted psych drug withdrawal issues are pretty much always a result of autonomic nervous system dysfunction. As I became seriously ill, I discovered that other chronic illnesses (in particular CFS, fibromyalgia and various autoimmune issues) have a lot of the same things going on. I came to think that withdrawal IS THE TRAUMATIC and LONG TERM TRIGGER that ends up bringing on a serious long-term disability that has many common issues with these other chronic syndromes. Dan Neuffer, in the videos below, in my opinion, correctly points to the autonomic nervous system as being underlying ongoing cause of these issues. Triggers and initial etiologies may vary, but eventually all these syndromes have a whole lot in common. ...

Want Better Health? Practice Yoga at Home

If you really want to reap the benefits that yoga has to offer, the number of years you have been practicing, and even the number of times a week you go to a class is trumped by whether or not you have a home practice … [click on title for the rest of the post]

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